Headline News


Foreign entrepreneur impressed by Tibetan development


Co-founders of Accor Paul Dubrule said, "6 years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Tibet on bike. I stayed in Tibet for 3 months. And I think I should be seen as one of the people in France who knows Tibet fairly well."

Paul Dubrule has been to Tibet many times in recent years saying the Tibet he's seen with his own eyes impresses him so much for its landscape as well as for its economic development.
Paul Dubrule has been to Tibet many times in recent years 
saying the Tibet he's seen with his own eyes impresses him 
so much for its landscape as well as for its economic 

Dubrule was impressed by Tibet's landscape, but even more by its economic achievements. His travelogue was published after the trip.

Co-founders of Accor Paul Dubrule said, "I wrote a book after that trip and I talked about Tibet in it. I very much support what the Chinese government has done to boost the economic and social progress in Tibet. What the Dalai Lama advocates actually means a retreat to the past for Tibet. The Chinese government has built highways, airports and set up schools and hospitals in Tibet. These are all signs of economic development."

Dubrule says the lack of knowledge about Tibet and its history has led to the Western media's biased coverage of the riots in Lhasa. He says the Chinese government should conduct more exchanges with the rest of the world and enable more people to see China's progress.

Dubrule singles out the Qinghai-Tibet railway as a strong proof of Tibet's economic development. He says the railway is injecting new impetus to Tibet's economic advancement. And he also notes that the Dalai Lama's opposition to the building of the railway shows his indifference to the well-being of Tibetan people.


Editor:Zhang Ning

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