Second China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue reaches lots of consensus
5. The two sides expressed readiness to expand cooperation and technology transfer in energy efficiency, the development and application of new energies, the development and construction of nuclear energy and offshore wind power, and the policies of renewable energy.
6. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on trade in services and technology and expand bilateral trade in aerospace, environmental protection, biological technology, pharmaceuticals, electronics and advanced engineering. With a view of reaching the target of 60 billion U.S. dollars in bilateral trade by 2010, the two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in innovation and technical projects.
7. The two sides were firmly opposed to trade protectionism and committed to lock in the consensus and outcomes achieved so far in the Doha round negotiations, to achieve a comprehensive and balanced conclusion of the Doha Round.
8. The British side reaffirmed its support for China's full market economy status and committed to play a constructive role to encourage EU recognition of China's full market economy status at as early a date as possible.
Chinese officials who attended the Second China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue are from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Security Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission. And British officials who attended the dialogue are from HM Treasury, the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, the Department for Energy and Climate Change, the Department for Work and Pension, the Department for International Development, Financial Services Authority and Bank of England.
After the dialogue was closed, Wang Qishan and Darling held a joint press conference.
Editor:Liu Anqi