Touch China > Chinese Cooking > Chinese Style CookBook   

Mapo Tofu
   CCTV.COM   2002-09-11 15:09:55   



    Spring onion





    Chili sauce

    Chicken powder

    Soya sauce

    Chicken stock


    1. Cut the tofu into cubes, put them into a pan with boiling water on it.

    2. After heating up some oil, add some chili sauce in then pan and mix it around.

    3. ut the tofu and then add some soya sauce, stir them well.

    4. Fry the beef thoroughly, mix well with the tofu and add some seasoning.

    5. Add some corn starch and water paste and some more chili sauce put it in the plate.

    6. Chop some spring onion, garlic and ginger and garnish the dish with them.

Editor: Yang Yang

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