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Beijing citizens enjoy cultural Spring Festival
   CCTV.COM   2003-02-09 09:02:52   
    The past week's Spring Festival holiday has seen legions of Beijing's citizens reveling in a multitude of cultural activities taking place throughout the city. As a brief departure from everyday stress and strain, Beijing citizens enjoyed the hard-earned seven-day holiday to their hearts' content.

    A staggering number -over 7.5 million people attended the myriad cultural activities in Beijing during the past seven days. Whether domestic or foreign, cultural performances are the biggest drawing card among all forms of entertainment.

    It's estimated that theatre-goers numbering more than 200,000 packed the over 230 shows that hit the capital's big or small stages. While the holiday may be fleeting, locals got a lasting and impressive memory from either the traditional, Peking Opera Orchestra or the modern, the mesmerizing performance of Brett Daniels, Las Vegas' crown Prince of Magic.

    For people who prefer a bustling scene, Beijing's traditional temple fairs were the very place to go. An estimated six million tourists crowded Beijing's eight temple fairs, which continued to offer new looks

    The festival also saw some 400,000 bibliophiles frequenting the libraries and bookstores in search of a worthwhile read.

Editor: Han Ling

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