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Chinese New Year celebrations take sporty twist
   CCTV.COM   2003-02-09 09:02:52   
    The Spring Festival has offered Chinese people a chance to take up a variety of sports activities. As the Chinese New Year festive celebrations got going across the country, China's growing legion of fitness enthusiasts celebrated the Chinese New Year with various kinds of sporting pursuits.

    In Beijing, people have discovered a unique way to celebrate the Year of the Sheep. During the week-long Spring Festival holiday, masses of people took part in their favorite sports. Table tennis, basketball, badminton, rock-climbing were the most popular choices.

    With growing numbers enthusiastically joining the ranks of the sporty set, a new trend is emerging. Statistics show that economic prosperity has led to the increasing popularity of fitness and sporting activities across the country.

    Some sports-lovers are even choosing to go to private coaches to develop their skills. Among these private coaches, most are former athletes and students from universities of physical education.

    This Spring Festival, they were particularly in demand with sports lovers taking advantage of their free time and holiday spirit to pursue their favorite activities. And it may well continue throughout the year of the Sheep.

Editor: Han Ling

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