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Community activities highlighted during Lunar New Year holidays
   CCTV.COM   2003-02-10 09:02:16   
    The week-long Chinese Lunar new year holiday witnessed various celebrations nationwide during the past week. Community recreational cultural performances, an important part of the activities, added some spice and flavor to the festive atmosphere.

    In the city of Beijing, over 500 cultural performances have been held, including Peking Opera, chess playing, calligraphy exhibitions, dancing and fashion shows. Jin Futian aged 79, a Peking Opera fan, is the eldest one among the amateur singers.

    "I became addicted to Peking Opera at an early age. I got involved in different kinds of training and gradually upgraded my skills," said Jin Futian.

    A large number of the cultural performances are paid for by the community. They organize such activities voluntarily. Without sufficient money, beautiful stage designs, or even colorful costumes, the participants still enjoyed the fun.

    "I have benefited a lot from the fashion shows. I am 78 this year, but still in my ideal shape. I take great pleasure in wearing high heels and following the cat-walk steps," said Gao Yingying, an amateur model.

    It's not only a booming picture in Beijing. Such activities can also be seen in big cities and the towns and suburban areas nationwide.

Editor: Han Ling

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