Online job hunting proves popular service |
CCTV.COM 2003-07-30 15:07:55 |
The Online Job Hunting Service for University Graduates is now into its fifth day. About 3,200 companies have posted job information online, and more than 40,000 jobs have been advertised for graduates. Eighty web sites are available for job seekers to browse.
This is the first time that online job hunting has been available in China and many university graduates are putting their resumes online to increase their opportunities of finding a job. According to the people in charge, the service has attracted more advantageous graduates, and 51 percent of the participants have the bachelor degrees or higher. The job seekers have expressed their satisfaction about the service.
"Online job services give us more opportunities to display our talent through the Internet. This service provides as much information as possible, and it's really convenient," said Tan Yaozhi, master graduate of Foreign Language Institute of Peking University.
China National Talent Web is the sponsor of this online service. It has organized 3,200 companies and 80 web sites, including Beijing Talent Web, the major participant, to join the online job hunting service.
Editor: Yang Feiyang CCTV.com