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Jiang Zemin on strengthening, improving Party building (3)
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-08 15:11:49   
    "We should recruit Party members mainly from workers, farmers, intellectuals, servicemen and cadres, thus expanding the basic components and backbone of the Party," He said. "We should admit into the Party advanced elements of other social strata who accept the Party's program and constitution, work for the realization of the Party's line and program consciously and meet the qualifications of Party membership following a long period of test, in order to increase the influence and rallying force of the Party in society at large."

    Jiang said that at all times and under all circumstances the Party should stick to its mass line and regard the people's interests as the starting point and goal of all work.

    He described combating and preventing corruption resolutely as a major political task of the whole Party, saying that Party committees at all levels must fully recognize the urgency as well as the protracted nature of the fight against corruption.

    "They should enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth," he said.

    Leading cadres, particularly senior ones, Jiang said, should play an exemplary role in exercising the power in their hands correctly and they must always be honest and upright and take the initiative to crack down on all forms of corruption.

    "All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and dealt with without leniency," he said.

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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