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Jiang delivers report to CPC National Congress (5)
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-08 17:11:08   
    He put forward eight tasks which have a bearing on the overall situation:

    -- Take a new road to industrialization and implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and that of sustainable development;

    -- Make the rural economy flourish and speed up urbanization;

    -- Advance the development of the western region and bring about a coordinated development of regional economies;

    -- Stick to and improve the basic economic system and deepen the reform of the state property management system;

    -- Improve the modern market system and tighten and improve macroeconomic control;

    -- Deepen the reform of the income distribution system and improve the social security system;

    -- Do a better job in opening up by "bringing in" and "going out;"

    -- Do everything possible to create more jobs and improve the people's lives.

    Jiang also said that developing socialist democracy and establishing a socialist political civilization are an important goal for building a well-off society in an all-round way, and that adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles, China must go on steadily and surely with political restructuring, extend socialist democracy and improve the socialist legal system.

    On reunification of the motherland, Jiang said: "we firmly oppose all words and deeds aimed at creating 'Taiwan independence', 'two Chinas' or 'one China, one Taiwan'."

    "We will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way," he said.

    "On the basis of the one-China principle, let us shelve for now certain political disputes and resume the cross-Strait dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible," he said, stressing that "one country, two systems" is the best way for the reunification between the two sides.

    Jiang made an in-depth analysis over the current international situation, pointing out that peace and development remain the themes of this era, but the old international political and economic order, which is unfair and irrational, has yet to be changed fundamentally. (more)

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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