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Chinese people hail Jiang Zemin's speech
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-09 10:11:35   
    The opening ceremony of the Party Congress didn't just bring together more than 2,000 delegates at the Great Hall of the People--hundreds of millions of Chinese people who care about the country's future have also been taking note. The opening ceremony of the Party Congress has drawn millions of Chinese people to their TV screens. Youth League members from Shanghai watched the ceremony at the actual place where the first CPC National Congress was held 81 years ago. In Beijing, professors and college students were encouraged by Jiang Zemin's remarks on the importance of reinforcing science and education to improve national strength.

    President of Tsinghua University, Wang Dazhong said, " The report mentions the importance of education for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Under this guidance, we will try to build Tsinghua into a world-class university.

    Improvement of people's living standards, fighting corruption and establishing the rule of law are on the minds of most people in China today as the country continues its economic reforms. Jiang Zemin said the Party had already taken these concerns into consideration and that it would do its best to satisfy people's needs.

    Businessman Chen Liqun said, " I think the report has given us non-state-owned enterprises great encouragement to do our business."

    Audiences said that the report provided guidance not only for the Party, but the rest of the country as well, to follow in a new era.

Editor: Wang Yin

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