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Jiang's report a guiding principle: Li Peng
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-09 19:11:14   
    Li Peng, member of the seven-people Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said in Beijing Saturday that Jiang Zemin's report at the opening of the 16th National Congress of the CPC is a guiding principle for opening up new prospects in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    He made the remarks Saturday morning while participating in a group discussion of Chongqing delegation.

    Commending Jiang's report as a general summary of the great achievements and basic experiences of the Party's leadership in the past 13 years, Li said, "We should always stick to these experiences in the upcoming historical process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and creating a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics."

    The economic objective of quadrupling the 2000 gross domestic product by the year 2020 and increasing markedly China's overall national strength and international competitiveness is an inspiring goal for all Chinese people in the next two decades, which Li believes will "definitely come true."

    Li referred to the report as embodying many important ideological innovations such as refraining from dogmatic interpretations of Marxism, saying "this is the source from which our Party will remain vigorous, and a guarantee for the Party to be invincible."

    With regard to socialist democratic politics, he said Jiang's report is rich in the content of political civilization, with governing and building China by the rule of law being a major component.

    China's Constitution and laws well integrate the Party's propositions with people's wills, he said, adding that "No individual or organization could surmount them."

    "We should follow the requirements of Jiang's report and ensure that our Party be always the vanguard of China's proletariat and the Chinese people as a whole," Li said.

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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