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Seizing strategic opportunities: CPC delegates
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-11 09:11:46   
    Delegates to the on-going 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) said in Beijing Sunday at panel discussions that China must make the most of the important period of strategic opportunities in the first 20 years of the new century to speed up economic construction and reform and build a well-off society.

    Jiang Zemin's saying of "coming up with new ideas for development, making new breakthroughs in reform, breaking new ground in opening up and taking new moves in all fields of endeavor" in his report delivered to the opening of the congress strikes a chord with the delegates.

    "Shanghai is now at a critical stage for new breakthroughs in reform and opening up. We will continue rejuvenating the municipality through science and technology, and shifting government functions in order to open up horizons for sustained economic development while serving the rest of the country," said Chen Liangyu from Shanghai delegation, adding that efforts will be made in building the city into a modern metropolitan and a center for international trade, economy, finance and shipping.

    Lu Dawei from Henan delegation noted that the difficult part of building a well-off society lies in rural China.

    "While strengthening the fundamental status of agriculture, we must further open up and crack ideological fetters to create a good environment for start-ups and develop non-public economies," he said.

    The delegates pledged their support to the Party, believing that by rallying around the Party, the objectives set in Jiang's report will surely be achieved in the new century.

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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