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Roundup: China owes 13-year success to pathbreaking CPC central leadership (2)
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-11 09:11:32   
    Bai Hejin, a professor with the Macroeconomic Research Institute affiliated to China's State Development Planning Commission, said that it was a "Goldbach's conjecture" in the social-economic history of mankind to combine socialism with a market economy, and that China's initial success in this regard should be attributed to the third-generation Party leaders who have led the Chinese people in "exploring for a correct path step by step with a pioneering spirit".

    "Taking the overall situation into account, the third generation leaders have also done a good job of handling the relationship between reform, development and stability, thus preventing economic restructuring from exerting a major negative impact on the Chinese society," Bai added.

    At the beginning of the new century, Jiang Zemin has put forward his Three Represents thought. Leading experts in China's theoretical circles have found it to be a "continuation, development and enrichment" of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

    "This important thought is a creation by the CPC third-generation collective leadership, who have applied basic principles of Marxism to resolve new concrete problems in China's reform, opening up and modernization drive," one expert said. "The thought has pooled the collective wisdom of the Party and therefore will serve as a long-term guiding ideology for the CPC."

    "Creation, more creations and still more creations, this is what the CPC will pursue in the future under the guidance of the important thought of Three Represents," said Leng Rong, executive deputy director of the Party literature research center of the CPC Central Committee.

    Dai Xianglong, governor of the People's Bank of China and also a delegate to the ongoing 16th CPC National Congress, used an old Chinese saying to express his appreciation of outstanding contributions the third-generation Party leaders have made to the country.

    "One can never tell the difficulty of scoring a success unless he has personally experienced it," said Dai. "Seeing today's accomplishments and recalling past difficulties and challenges, I have to say we are lucky to have a strong and mature Party and a broad-vision and extremely-capable third-generation leadership core to guide us through."

    But most ordinary Chinese might prefer to express their feelings toward the Party central leadership with verses of a song which has gone extremely popular in China in recent years: "China is witnessing a relay race which will guarantee its future, as our pathbreaking leader is guiding us into a new era".

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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