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China's economy on track under CPC leadership
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-11 10:11:39   
    The past 13 years has witnessed China's great economic development thanks to the leadership of the CPC Central Committee. This is the belief of two ministers in charge of the country's economic development. Their comments were made at the first press conference given on Sunday at the ongoing CPC National Congress.

    The two ministers Zeng Peiyan, who is in charge of the State Development Planning Commission, and Li Rongrong, who heads the State Economic and Trade Commission, said that since 1989, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Jiang Zemin at its core, China has scored remarkable achievements in social and economic development. Zeng said over the last 13 years China has got inflation under control, achieved a soft landing for its economy, overcome the impact of the Asian financial crisis and rolled back deflationary trends. The minister hailed the period as the best time in China's development when people received tangible benefits from a stable society. Zeng Peiyan says he is also upbeat about this year's economic achievements. He said, "It is expected that this year's GDP will exceed 10 trillion yuan, up 8% from the past year. Import and export is expected to total 600 billion US dollars. Paid-in foreign investment will exceed 50 billion US dollars, both will be all time high."

    Minister Li Rongrong concentrated on the country's readjustment in its industrial pattern such as the reform of State-owned enterprises and regulation of market economies. Describing the reform of state-owned enterprises as the most difficult and most challenging central link to entire economic restructuring, Li said substantial achievements have been made in this field. He said, “From 1989 to 2001, an average tax revenue turn-over by each SOE increased from 1 million yuan to 7.8 million yuan. Productivity rose from 9,600 yuan per worker a year to 54,700 yuan. "

    The ministers also answered questions on China's economic development and social progress from foreign and Chinese journalists. Sunday's press conference is the first of four press conferences to be held by the CPC National Congress.

Editor: Wang Yin

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