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Opening up brings about prosperity in China (2)
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-13 09:11:11   
    In response to the new situation of economic globalization and China's entry into the World Trade Organization last year, the state has pledged to do a better job in opening up by "bringing in" and "going out".

    "China should take part in international economic and technological cooperation and competition on a broader scale, in more spheres and on a higher level," Jiang Zemin said in his report to the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

    The state is pushing forward readjustment in relevant policies to fulfill the commitments it made when joining the WTO. Overseas investors have been allowed access to the finance, insurance and telecommunications sectors, which were once closed to them.

    As part of the efforts to develop an open economy, an increasing number of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have sent local officials abroad to take training courses in such areas as economics and management.

    To better prepare themselves for exchanges with the outside world, Chinese people are more enthusiastic than ever before in learning foreign languages.

    "China has become the largest market for English teaching in the world. The people's enthusiasm for learning English is amazing," said Robert Diyanni, an official with the College Board of the United States, while attending the 2002 International Education Cooperation Week in Beijing this September.

    Analysts say China has shown great confidence in opening up for the past two decades and is set to open its door wider to the outside world.

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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