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Sixteenth CPC Central Committee elected
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-14 11:11:27   
    The 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was elected at the closing session of the 16th CPC National Congress in Beijing Thursday morning. The new CPC Central Committee is composed of 198 full members and 158 alternate members.

    Jiang Zemin and five of his colleagues in the Party's top decision-making body are not on a new Central Committee of the CPC elected in Beijing this morning.

    His five colleagues are: Li Peng and Zhu Rongji, both 74, Li Ruihuan, 68, Wei Jianxing, 71, and Li Lanqing, 70.

    The only member of the 15th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee who has entered the 16th CPC Central Committee is 59-year-old Hu Jintao.

Editor: Yang Yang  Source:Xinhua

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