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Worldwide congratulations for CPC Congress
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-09 16:11:51   
    The National Congress of the Communist Party of China is also attracting worldwide attention. Political parties including the ruling parties of Vietnam, Laos, Cuba and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have congratulated the Chinese Communist Party on the start of the congress.

    The CPC National Congress also received congratulatory messages from world leaders including the Ukrainian president and the prime minister of the Cook Islands, as well as the People's Party of Cambodia, the Labor Party of New Zealand, and other major political parties in various countries around the world.

    The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea describes the congress as a historic event in the political life of the CPC and the Chinese people.

    It says the Chinese people, under the CPC's leadership with General Secretary Jiang Zemin at the core, have made major progress.

    From Hanoi, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam says the Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese people have always considered cooperation with their Chinese counterparts important.

    The Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party says it's convinced the congress will be a complete success. The committee maintains the meeting will point the way forward for the Chinese people in their efforts to achieve still greater success in the cause of reform and opening up.

    With recent shifts in global security, the Communist Party of Cuba says the CPC knows how to cope with the resulting problems and can build China into a highly efficient, economically strong and politically stable country.

    Other leaders and parties throughout the world have conveyed similar sentiments, including those from Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Belarus and Brazil.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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