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Jiang Zemin joins Party Congress panel discussions
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-10 09:11:49   
    A day after outlining his blueprint for China's future, General Secretary Jiang Zemin has joined the panel discussions of the Chinese Communist Party's 16th National Congress. A final version of his report will be approved when the Congress comes to a close in around a week's time.

    Jiang Zemin started the process of obtaining feedback from regional CPC delegations on his report by holding talks with delegates from Shanghai. Headed by Chen Liangyu, the newly-appointed Party secretary for Shanghai, the delegation hailed the report as a guideline document true to Marxism. They also updated Jiang on the city's development in social, economic and cultural fields.

    Jiang Zemin encouraged the Shanghai officials to emancipate their minds in the area of urban planning. He said Shanghai should beef up efforts to build the city into an international financial and shipping center. The General Secretary went on to point out the importance of Shanghai in China's reform and opening-up drive, saying the city should set an example for the development of other regions.

    Also on Saturday, other high-ranking Party leaders including top legislator Li Peng and Li Ruihuan, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, joined group discussions. Li Peng, who participated in talks with the Chongqing delegation, said Jiang Zemin's report was a general summary of the basic experience of the Party's leadership over the past 13 years. In his discussion with Tianjin delegates, Li Ruihuan underlined the interests of ordinary people. He called on party officials to bear the interests of the common people in mind, and warned that any divorce from this principle could dismantle the foundation of the CPC.

Editor: Wang Yin

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