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China in Party mood
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-10 10:11:58   
    The CPC Congress has put the whole country in a Party mood. Over the last few days, people around China have been holding all kinds of activities to mark the occasion.

    In north China's Hebei province, more than 3,000 villagers held a gong and drum competition to celebrate the harvest and greet the CPC National Congress. In the city of Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province, around 10,000 citizens showed off their creativity with special performances in honor of the party congress. In the northwestern Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, a series of folk performances were put on by local villagers and herdsmen. In the city of Shenzhen, in south China's Guangdong province, 5,000 citizens paid their own tribute to the congress by partying into the night in the Windows on the World theme park.

    And a group of artists created two sets of paintings today in Beijing. One, called "the Dawn of the Century", is five meters long and two meters high. It represents the love of people from all ethnic groups for the Communist Party of China. The other, called "Love Our Motherland", stands for Chinese people's love for their country and their hopes for a more prosperous China. The two paintings will later be sent to the organizing committee of the party congress.

Editor: Wang Yin

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