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Overseas Chinese tune into congress
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-11 11:11:54   
    The coverage of President Jiang Zemin's report to the 16th CPC National Congress has been watched by many Chinese living in the United States. They say the report is a guide for China's development.

    Staff at the Chinese embassy to the United States watched the live broadcast of the opening session of the Party National Congress on CCTV International. They said they were able to learn of report, and understand how it might help develop stable and healthy Sino-US relations. Other overseas Chinese in America also regarded Jiang Zemin's report as a guide for the future development of China.

    Li Yunhong, deputy professor of New York University, said, "President Jiang stressed the need to respect knowledge and talent and encourage overseas students to return to China. And this greatly encourages overseas Chinese. After they acquired knowledge abroad, they want to use that knowledge to fully realize their own value and to serve the motherland."

    Chinese citizens in other countries, including Great Britain, Australia and Russia, also watched the national congress. They said the Chinese President's report strengthened their resolve to follow the leadership of the CPC and devote themselves to the country.

Editor: Wang Yin

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