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CPC delegates call for Three Represents in Party Constitution
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 09:11:39   
    Delegates decided that Jiang Zemin's Three Represents thought should be added to the Party's Constitution. The theory focuses on developing China's productive capability, steering its culture and representing the interests of the people.

    Delegates interviewed all spoke highly of Jiang Zemin's Three Represents thought. They interpreted the core meaning of the thought as a breakthrough in the theory of party building, as well as further advancement of the nation as a whole.

    Zhang Peng, CPC Delegate from Anhui, said, "Many CPC members from my company are anticipating putting the Three Represents thought into the CPC Charter. They hope the thought, which has been clarified by the General Secretary in his report, will bring positive changes to the CPC." Cheng Shi'e, CPC delegate from Beijing, said, "If a party is isolated from the outside, and does not develop with the changes of time, it will loose its vitality. Only when the party unites outstanding persons from all walks of life, and represents the interest of all social strata, will it lead the country to a more prosperous future."

    Looking back through the history of the CPC, changes have been made to the constitution at almost all of the past Party Congresses. These are the heritage of the CPC Charters in different stages. They are the witnesses of development and proof of the changes the Party has undertaken over its eighty-year history.

    When the CPC held its seventh National Party Congress in 1945, for the first time in history, Chairman Mao Zedong's thought was written into the CPC Charter. Mao Zedong thought was to combine Marxism with the practical situation of Chinese revolution. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the CPC won political power and founded New China in 1949.

    With China's economic development an irreversible trend, Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics was formally adopted into the Constitution at the 15th National Congress of the CPC in 1997. This was the second theoretical achievement after Chairman Mao Zedong thought to be adopted by the CPC. The theory answers the questions of what socialism is, as well as how to establish it in Chinese society.

    But questions, like how to maintain the Communist party, and what kind of party should the CPC represent, are on the top of the agenda. The CPC needs new guiding principles to make practical adjustments for realizing its long-term objectives.

    Editor-in-chief of Party History Publisher, Xiao Huaisu said, " With the changing background of both the domestic and international situations, the CPC is facing new challenges. In order to improve its national influence and maintain its leadership, it's necessary as well as timely to make new changes to its existing constitution, so as to ensure its further development. "

    If the Three Represents theory written into the charter of the CPC, it will be a guiding principle of the Party in the future. The new version of the CPC Constitution, the first of its kind in the new century, is expected to be passed by the Congress on Thursday.

    Just as Marxism is not the final word on social theory, Chairman Mao Zedong's thoughts and Deng Xiaoping's theory are not the final truths either. They have all been breakthroughs in their time, that have advanced the truth. Jiang Zemin's Three Represents thought is yet another of the CPC's practical achievements in its process of putting Marxism into practice in China.

Editor: Wang Yin

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