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CPC delegates discuss building socialist democracy
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 09:11:23   
    Party Congress delegates have hailed General Secretary Jiang Zemin's report a reflection of the CPC's determination to build socialist democracy. They attributed the achievements China has made over the past 13 years to the principle of sticking to the Party's leadership over democratic construction and promoting the idea of the rule of law.

    Delegates from Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangdong say the achievements the CPC has made since 1989 in constructing the socialist democracy, is a unique marker of the country's progress in building a political civilization. 13 years on, the National People's Congress has approved as well as revised nearly 300 laws, more than all those made between 1949 and 1989.

    Beijing delegate Qin Zhengan said, " The report mentions that our country should establish a legal system with Chinese characteristics by 2010. This is the specific goal for our legal construction in the near future." Teng Yilong is the chief justice of the Shanghai People's Supreme Court. He cited the fact that any Chinese citizen holding their ID card can monitor the trial process of a case they are interested in, as an example of the effort to increase legal transparency in Shanghai. Meanwhile, delegates from Ningxia, Jiangsu and Hunan discussed promoting the efficiency of governance and building a clean government.

    Ningxia delegate Zheng Xiaoming said, "We need to make sure that officials govern with the rule of law and prevent officials from making decisions at will. We must form a governmental management system which is just, open and fair."

    Hunan delegate Zhao Xiangping said, " A prerequisite to democratic decision-making is openness and transparency. Recent years have witnessed the creation of many kinds of open system. Such are the live examples of political civilization around us."

    Many Party Congress delegates devoted their panel discussions to building grass-roots democracy. CPC members from Henan, Zhejiang and Inner Mongolia agreed that village elections are a remarkable invention of Chinese socialist democracy and are in the interests of maintaining social stability.

Editor: Wang Yin

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