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Party Congress delegates on China's economic development
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 09:11:18   
    China has made great economic strides over the past thirteen years and is moving on to greater achievements in the future. Jiang Zemin's report to the Congress unveiled the Party's ambition to build a comprehensively well-off society by the middle of this century, which is key to China's modernization. Over the past few days, delegates have been very enthusiastic about the realization of these goals.

    Throughout the CPC National Congress delegates have detailed how the lives of people in China today, which have never been so colorful while the national economy has never been so vigorous. They contributed these achievements to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which has always made China's economic development it's core concern. This is something that is appreciated throughout the spectrum of Chinese society.

    Fu Yuelan, Delegate from Hainan province, said, "The masses have gained the greatest benefits from the past 13 years. It's true. The farmers of our Li ethnic group have moved into better houses and have better roads. We now have electricity and lights and can watch TV. The farmers are very happy. They truly sense that the Party's leadership is correct. "

    The establishment of a socialist market system is a major breakthrough for the CPC. Delegates say that its foundation has greatly benefited China's private sector, plotting the correct path for development through reforms.

    For the relatively underdeveloped west of China, the massive western strategy put forward by the central government has brought unprecedented development opportunities. But rather than waiting for the assistance of the government, the local people are enthusiastically beefing up for their own future, on their own.

    The delegates have voiced their suggestions on a variety of topics that, they feel, need addressing, including agriculture and the process of industrialization.

Editor: Wang Yin

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