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World leaders and political parties congratulate CPC Congress
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 09:11:05   
    The opening of the Congress has attracted world attention. Leaders and political parties from the international community have sent their congratulations to the meeting.

    Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf: Great changes have taken place in China under the leadership of the CPC. Resolutions due to be worked out will lead to China's further prosperity and will contribute to world peace.

    South African Communist Party: The CPC will work out feasible policies and guide the Chinese people to progress along the socialist road.

    Mozambique Liberation Front Party: The conference will help the CPC become more adaptable to China's further reform and opening up program. It will help China progress along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    French Communist Party: In consideration of the harsh world situation, the CPC conference is significant to both the Chinese and people around the globe.

    Parties from India, Moldova, Nepal and Poland also sent congratulatory letters to the opening of the Party Congress.

    Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says that under the leadership of the CPC, great changes have taken place in China. He notes that resolutions due to be worked out in the congress will lead to China's further prosperity and will contribute to world peace.

    The South African Communist Party expressed its confidence that CPC will work out feasible policies during the congress and guide the Chinese people to progress along the socialist road.

    The Mozambique Liberation Front Party says it believes the conference will help the CPC become more adaptable to China's further reform and opening up program, and will help China progress along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    The French Communist Party notes that in consideration of the harsh world situation, the CPC conference is not only significant to the Chinese people, but also to people around the globe.

    Other parties, including those from India, Moldova, Nepal, and Poland, also sent congratulatory letters to the opening of the 16th CPC National Congress.

Editor: Wang Yin

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