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World media continue to focus on the 16th CPC Congress
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 09:11:08   
    Agence France-Presse: Jiang Zemin has renewed his calls for radical economic reforms, urging Party members to "adopt new ways of thinking" to make the country richer.

    Russia's Pravda: China has become a world economic power, which is expected in the foreseeable future to rise to second place in the world following the US.

    Singapore Straits Times: Jiang Zemin has called upon his people to build a "well-off" society by the year 2020 so as to lay a firm foundation for achieving full-scale modernization by 2050.

    The Japanese Times: Jiang Zemin's Three Represents Thought would enable China to better meet the challenges of globalization.

    Argentina's La Nacion: Jiang Zemin's speech reassures the protection of private businesses' legal rights, which will have a far-reaching impact.

    Agence France Presse says Jiang Zemin has renewed his calls for radical economic reforms, telling delegates they must "adopt new ways of thinking" to make the country richer. He has emphasized the need to drop old ways en route to "building a well-off society."

    Russia's most influential newspaper Pravda has praised the achievements China has made under the leadership of the CPC with Jiang Zemin at the core, saying that China has become a world economic power, expected in the foreseeable future to rise to second place in the world following the US.

    The Singapore Straits Times commended the CPC Congress by saying that Jiang Zemin has mapped out the road to full modernization. He has called on his people to build a "well-off" society by the year 2020 so as to lay a firm foundation for achieving full-scale modernization by 2050.

    The Japan Times says the current Party Congress is expected to write Jiang Zemin's Three Represents Thought into the Party Constitution, which would enable China to better meet the challenges of globalization.

    Argentina's La Nacion reports that Jiang Zemin's speech reassures the protection of private businesses' legal rights. It adds that the absorption of some private business owners into the CPC will have a far-reaching impact.

    Media in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Italy, Brazil and other countries have also carried articles and photographs on the convening of the CPC Congress.

Editor: Wang Yin

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