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Building stronger Communist Party for well-off society
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-13 09:11:25   
    Party building has always been one of the most important tasks for the Chinese Communist Party during its eight decades of history. As the country strives for its next target - building a comprehensive well-off society - it has become all the more important to reinforce the Party's leadership. And with the new target in mind, the task of party building has raised some new expectations.

    As Vice-President of the China Youth University for Political Sciences, Lu Shizhen's part of job is to oversee the school's personnel matters. And she was a bit surprised to learn that three of the school's officials were demoted for failing the latest evaluation by the university staff - the first time this has happened since the practice was put into place a few years ago.

    Lu, a member of the school's Communist Party Committee, said the demotions were an effective measure because the complete practice of the Party tradition of "criticism and self-criticism" has proved successful. She said:"As a Party organization, we put the power under the public supervision. The building of such a mechanism is very important for the Party to maintain its pioneering nature and to lead the people on the road to innovation and development."

    The purpose of the evaluation process is to remove those officials who scored the lowest in tests carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. It is also one of the many methods the CPC has used over the years to improve its membership composition and its ruling power.

    At the ongoing 16th National Party Congress, General Secretary Jiang Zemin said that methods of "Party building" must now be strengthened to enhance the Party's function in the modernization drive.

    His views are shared by delegates at the congress. They agreed that as part of the democratic political build-up, the Party must be strengthened to meet the requirement of the new development.

    Delegate to 16th Party Congress Zheng Shaosan said: "Political democracy must be further strengthened to become more systematic, more procedural and more standardized. There must also be better systems, better standards and necessary procedures."

    And for Lu Shizhen, the question of what a well-off society demands of a Party member couldn't be clearer. Lu said, "On the one hand, party members have to study how they can truly represent the public interests and develop the productive forces to lift people's living standards. On the other, a well-off society also requires Party officials to have higher political awareness, knowledge levels and greater ability."

    China is now striving towards its next goal - building a well-off society. And the ruling party believes it has to be stronger and more capable in order to accomplish this task.

Editor: Wang Yin

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