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Delegates praise work of 16th Party Congress
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-14 09:11:38   
    On the eve of the final day of the 16th CPC National Congress, delegates said the event will go down in history as marking a significant landmark in China's development.

    The past few days have seen delegates holding in-depth discussions on General Secretary Jiang Zemin's report as well as on a draft amendment to the Party Constitution. The Congress won't conclude until Thursday, but already, delegates are saying the Congress has scored a number of achievements. Their opinions converge on the following points:

    First, the Congress has seen a major innovation to Marxism in contemporary China in the form of the "Three Represents" Thought. Second, it has reaffirmed the urgency to strengthen party building by improving inner-party democracy and fighting corruption. Third, it has called to expand the basis of the CPC by absorbing excellent members from all social strata. And last but not the least, it has set a new national strategic goal--that of building a comprehensive "xiaokang" society by the middle of the century.

    Regarding the first point, delegates are hailing the "Three Represents" Thought as the foundation for building the Party and the source of its strength. The delegates also anticipate that the thought will be written into the Party's Constitution.

    Delegate Long Xinmin said: The "Three represents" Thought constitutes the essence of Jiang Zemin's report. The 16th Party Congress is a milestone event for it lays down the "Three Represents" Thought as a long-term guiding principle of the Party, and this conforms to the will of the Party, as well as the will of the Chinese people."

    Closely associated with the "Three Represents" Thought, Party building is a major concern among the delegates. They note that Jiang Zemin's report has devoted a good portion to this end and rightly emphasize the urgency of fighting corruption and strengthening inner-Party democracy.

    Delegate Li Mingbo said: "Our success lies in building a strong Party. Only after we effectively fight corruption will we be able to have the trust of the people. The General Secretary was determined on this point in his report."

    In Jiang's report, he also emphasizes the CPC's pioneering role in representing not only the working class, but also the whole Chinese nation. He says that the Party may recruit new members from the best of all social strata. This has been welcomed by the delegates.

    Delegate Qiu Jibao said: "We are very much encouraged by the General Secretary's words that people from various social strata, including us as private businessmen, are all builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics. "

    Building a fairly well-off society, is a strategic goal outlined in Jiang Zemin's report and has become another buzz word among the delegates.

    Delegate Li Guilian, "For us, to realize a well-off living standard means to make greater efforts in popularizing advanced scientific methods among the nation's farmers. Only after they acquire the basic skills will they be able to free themselves from poverty."

    When the delegates gathered in Beijing a week ago, they brought with them feelings of anticipation from the rank-and-file party members regarding the direction to be taken by the party over the coming years. Soon, they will be heading back, with clearly defined guidelines. For them, the tough job starts at home where they have to adapt these principles to their local situations. But it's a challenge they welcome.

Editor: Wang Yin

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