Sports professionals for the 2008 Olympics |
CCTV.COM 2003-08-06 09:08:47 |
The success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics will rely on people.
The importance of developing more sports management professionals has been acknowledged, as China's Tsinghua University pioneers the project by launching a joint master of management in Sport management program, with the University of Technology Sydney, or UTS.
With an aim to produce high calibre sport professionals to assist in organizing the 2008 Olympic games, the program is jointly operated by the School of Economics & Management of Tsinghua University and the Faculty of Business of UTS. And this is the first joint master of management program to focus on sport management in China.
“At present, there is still no such master of management program in China. We hope to make our contribution to the 2008 games by providing such a program to develop more professional in the sport management field,” said Xue Lei, Associate Dean of School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University.
Although China has made great progress in sports in recent years, its sports industry still lags behind and the country lacks experienced personnel in sport management.
“We are really short of experienced personnel in organizing such an international event and professionals specialized in sport management is even harder to find. Thus, we have to make more effort and we really encourage such education programs,” said Jiang Zhixue, Deputy Director of Dept. of HR, BOCOG
According to Rob Lynch from UTS, the curriculum of the program includes sports management, sports marketing, event management, venue management, analysis of the Olympic games. And the first term will begin in November.
Earlier this year, UTS cooperated with the Beijing Municipal Sport Bureau to establish the Beijing-Sydney Institute for Sport Management, aiming to provide training for Chinese sport officials. Prior to this, UTS had also offered a similar management program for Greece and helped Greek students under the program be prepared for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Editor: Xiao Wei CCTV.com