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China's non-Communist parties wish CPC Congress success
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-10 14:11:52   
    The central committees of various non-Communist parties in China and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce have all sent letters of congratulation for the opening of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party and wished it success.

    The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomingtang described the Congress as a historic event in the political life of the CPC and the Chinese people.

    The committee said it firmly believed in consolidating and developing a compatriotic united front and contributing to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

    The China Democratic League said the CPC's 80 years of history have proved it can guide the Chinese people through all kinds of tests under a complex international environment. The CPC best embodies the "Three Represent" thought, which is a guide for Chinese people at the beginning of the new century.

    The China Democratic National Construction Association said that since the Fourth Plenum of the 13th CPC Central Committee, the CPC's leadership guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory has stuck to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation has been further developed.

    The China Association for Promoting Democracy said the country owes its successful development to the CPC. The association maintains that the Congress will point the way forward for the Chinese people in their efforts to achieve still greater success in the country's reform and opening up.

    The Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party says that as a close partner of the CPC, the party will stick to the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation. They will study carefully Jiang Zemin's report and implement it to contribute to the socialist path of the Chinese nation.

    The China Zhi Gong Party said the CPC has set the goal of building a well-off society and has outlined the country's development for the next two decades. The Zhi Gong Party believes in the CPC's leadership and will stick to the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    The Jiu San Society said General Secretary Jiang Zemin's report reflects the aspirations of all Communist Party members and non-Communist party members, officers and men of the army, and people of all ethnic groups throughout the country. The Jiu San Society says the CPC deserves the Chinese people's trust.

    The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League said multi-party cooperation and political consultation bears Chinese characteristics and is an important part of the country's socialist democratic politics. The league will strengthen its cooperation with the Communist Party to face the tasks of reform, opening-up and modernization.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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