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Communist Party stamps its mark in history
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-12 14:11:31   
    During its 81-year history, the Chinese Communist Party has stamped a long-lasting impression on China and its people. Now this influence has been extended to the stamp world in the form of a History Stamps Exhibition in Changsha City of Hunan Province.

    Stamp lovers and collectors are getting a chance to brush up on their knowledge of the Chinese Communist Party's history and indulge their passion at the same time.

    Eighty-one years of struggling, 81 years of the sweet and the sour ... the unforgettable history of the Chinese Communist Party could not be shown in a more interesting way.

    Under the joint organization of the Changsha Municipal Publicity Department and the local General Post Office, the exhibition aims to illustrate the most significant events and changes to have shaped the country over the last 81 years.

    The over 2,000 pieces of stamps are divided into groups under themes such as the "Birth of the Chinese Communist Party," "Hard Times of Struggle," "the Building of a New China" and "Achievements of the Opening-up Policy."

    A visitor named Zhang Ce said: "From the exhibition, I could clearly see the development of a poor country into a strong one. Through good times and bad, the Party has always been with the people. I firmly believe that, without our Party, there would be no new China."

    For philatelists, stamp culture has always reflected contemporary Chinese culture. They see the exhibition as using a practical and interesting format to give visitors an insight into the changing times of China.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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