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Everyone's life to be improved in a well-off society: official
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-13 14:11:06   
    The Director of Economic Research Institute of the State Development Planning Commission, Chen Dongqi, talks to a CCTV reporter in an exclusive interview, and explains what will be achieved in a well-off society.

    According to Chen Dongqi, the country's current GDP per capita is between 800 and 1000 US dollars. But he says in a "well-off society" in the year 2020, it will exceeds 3000 US dollars. In addition to consumption growth, overall living standards will also be improved, ranging from advances in education, culture and medical services.

    Chen Dongqi explains that people will have more expectations in the areas of social ethics and culture, democracy, and legal construction, especially so regarding the condition of the market economy.

    He says that in a "well-off society" the country's economic and social development must remain harmonious with its natural and ecological environment.

    He adds that to build a well-off society in an all-round way it's very important to decrease and eliminate the gap between different regions as well as rural and urban areas and different income families.

    He says that the goal of a well-off society is to improve everyone's living standards.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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