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Foreigners living in China react to Jiang's report
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-14 13:11:18   
    The week-long Party Congress has attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people, and not only Chinese people. Foreigners living in China also care about the country's future.

    Richard Dawson is an economic professor at China Agriculture University in Beijing. He has worked in China for 10 years. He thinks Jiang Zemin's report represents people's aspirations.

    Staff working in foreign companies and organizations are particularly interested in the part on economic construction and reform.

    Chew Juaifong, Beijing Bureau Chief of Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore Press Holdings, says: "As I understand it, the Communist Party and the Chinese government support economic reform. In the future, China's economy will develop very fast and will catch up with the world economy."

    As a representative of the UN FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), Gamal Ahmed paid more attention to what Jiang Zemin said about agricultural development.

    These foreigners all say that China's development has a direct effect on their companies' future. The opening of the Party Congress and Jiang's report have given them more confidence in the future of the Chinese nation under the leadership of the Communist Party.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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