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Newspapers reveal collector's passion for history
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-14 14:11:54   
    It's not just the delegates who have been keeping close eyes on the reports coming out of the CPC National Congress. One 55-year-old retired worker from Beijing has been adding reports of this year's Congress to his already extensive newspaper' records of China's progress over the past few decades.

    Li Tieguang is more than a professional newspaper collector.He's a passionate record-keeper. The thousands of articles he has amassed span the eight decades from the 6th to the 16th CPC National Congress.

    He's already added more than 50 examples of newspapers from throughout China detailing the opening of this year's conference.

    He says: "Reports on both the opening and the closing of the Congress are an important part of my collection. And of course, I collect serial reports on the Congress, because they reflect China's current policy."

    So far, Li Tieguang has collected more than 100,000 newspapers from around 20,000 outlets.

    He says newspapers are a record of history and, through them, he can get a sense of the country's progress and changes - from the return of Hong Kong and Macao to Chinese sovereignty to China's successful bid to host the Olympic Games.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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