Neither of the Contracting Parties shall enter into any alliance directed against the other Party, or participate in any coalition or in any action or measures directed against the other Party.
The two contracting Parties undertake shall consul together on all important international questions involving the common interests of the soviet Union and China, with a view to strengthening peace and universal security.
The two Contracting Parties undertake, in a spirit of friendship and cooperation and in accordance with the principles of equal rights, mutual interests, mutual respect for State sovereignty and territorial integrity, and non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other Party, to develop and strengthen the economic and cultural ties between the soviet Union and China, to render each other all possible economic assistance and to effect the necessary economic cooperation.
Under the historical circumstances of the time, the "Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance" concluded between China and the Soviet Union was of great significance in preserving the security of both sides, maintaining peace in the Far East and the world as a whole, strengthening friendship between the two peoples and promoting the cause of socialist construction of the two countries.
Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: