S. RAMADORAI, CEO, Tata Consultancy Services

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 - 12:30 Financial Reform and Innovation: Risks and Opportunities

(Dong Yu Grand Ballroom A, Level 1, ICC)

To what extent will their financial markets structure and the larger foreign reserves now amassed by many Asian countries, shield them from the current US sub-prime mortgage crisis and an Asian contagion such as that of 1997 and 1998? As Asia's domestic financial institutions seek to diversify their revenue streams beyond traditional consumer deposit-taking and corporate lending, what lessons in reform and innovation should Asian financial markets learn from the US sub prime mortgage crisis?

Moderator: Thomas EASTON, Asia Business Editor, The Economist Asia/Pacific Ltd

Panelists: LIU Mingkang, Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission

Lord Leon BRITTAN, Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank

JIANG Jianqing, Chairman, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China

Damian CHUNILAL, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch

Peter FORSTMOSER, Chairman, Swiss Re-insurance Company

CHANG Zhenming, Vice Chairman and President, CITICGROUP

HU Shuli, Editor, CAIJING Magazine

11:00 - 12:30 Green Asia: A shift in Responsibility from CSR to SRI?

(Dong Yu Grand Ballroom B, Level 1, ICC)

Alongside increasing legislation and pressure from society, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is now challenging companies to rethink the way they manage, measure and demonstrate their social, environmental and ethical performance. In the US investment marketplace, SRI now accounts for an estimated 10% of total investments in funds, stocks and bonds. It might be argued that one company's CSR performance is another company's SRI investment. How must Asian companies change to raise their profile with SRI investors and are now the right time for them to take on this challenge? What is the potential for Asian companies to adopt a SRI approach to investing for the mutual benefit of their own bottom line and a Green Asia?

Moderator: Nik GOWING, Main Presenter, BBCWorld TV

Panelists: LIU Yonghao, Chairman, New Hope Group

Andrew FORREST, CEO, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

Alan ROSLING, Executive Director, Tata Sons Ltd.

YANG Wenjun, President, Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group)

Gary K. BERTSCH, Professor, Center for International Trade and

Security, University of Georgia

Aron CRAMER, President and Chief Executive Officer, Business for

Social Responsibility (BSR)

WANG Jinlong, Senior Vice President, Starbucks Coffee Company

12:40 - 14:00 Luncheon Session:Sustainable Development from the Hong Kong


(Dong Yu Grand Ballroom C & D, Level 1, ICC)

Moderator: Chun Wan Ian FOK, Chairman, the Chinese General Chamber of

Commerce, Hong Kong

Speaker: Donald TSANG, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region, People’s Republic of China

14:30 – 16:30 Opening Plenary

(BFA Main Hall, Level 2, ICC)

Chairman: LONG Yongtu, Secretary General, Boao Forum for Asia

Welcome Remarks: Fidel V. RAMOS, Chairman, Board of Directors, Boao Forum for Asia, Former President of the Philippines

Corporate Representatives

18:00 - 19:30 Reception Dinner by the People’s Government of Hainan Province


20:00 - 21:00 (Asiana Restaurant, Le Mistral, Symposium Restaurant, Sofitel Boao)

BFA AC2008 Cultural Performance & Fireworks

(Swimming Pool Area,Golden Coast Hot Spring Hotel)


Editor:Xiong Qu