Jiang Zemin stresses development of socialist culture (2)  
2002-11-08 10:31:09
"We must intensify education in social and professional ethics and family virtues and especially intensify the ideological and ethical improvement among youth," Jiang added.

Jiang also stressed the development of education and science, saying that education is the foundation for scientific and technological advancement and personnel training.

"Playing a vanguard role and having an overall bearing on the modernization drive, education must be placed on our development agenda as a strategic priority," he said.

Jiang said that it is a must to encourage innovation in education, deepen its reform, promote quality-oriented education to cultivate hundreds of millions of high-quality workers, tens of millions of specialized personnel and a great number of top-notch innovative personnel.

Development of infrastructure for research should be stepped up, while efforts being made to disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit, Jiang said, indicating that it is essential to create an atmosphere in society at large favorable for respecting and promoting science, encouraging innovation and opposing superstition and pseudo-science.

Jiang said the state supports and protects public cultural undertakings and encourages them to enhance their vigor for self-development.

"It is essential to improve policies toward the cultural industry, support its development and enhance its overall strength and competitiveness," he said.

Jiang said that the country should deepen the internal reform of cultural enterprises and institutions and gradually establish a management system and operational mechanism favorable to arousing the initiative of cultural workers, encouraging innovation and bringing forth more top-notch works and more outstanding personnel.