Jiang Zemin outlines main economic tasks for China (3)  
2002-11-08 12:59:30
The central region should redouble its efforts toward structural adjustment and cultivate new economic growth points, while the eastern region should quicken the pace of upgrading its industrial structure, and further develop the outward-looking economy, he said.

"The eastern, central and western regions should strengthen economic exchanges and cooperation to complement one another and secure common development," Jiang added.

In line with the requirements of releasing and developing the productive forces, Jiang said, China must uphold and improve the basic economic system, with public ownership playing a dominant role and diverse forms of ownership developing side by side.

"We must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy and also encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sectors of the economy," he said, stressing that the country must stimulate the development of the non-public sectors while keeping the public sector as the dominant player, incorporating both into the process of the socialist modernization drive instead of setting them against each other.

Jiang listed continuing to adjust the distribution and structure of the state sector and reform the state property management system as a major task for deepening economic restructuring.

Jiang said that measures should be taken to give a fuller play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources and create an environment for the equal use of production factors by market players and promote free movement of commodities and production factors on markets around the country.

"We must improve the government functions of economic regulation, market supervision, social administration and public services," he said.