Chinese diplomacy aims to maintain world peace, promote common development (2)  
2002-11-13 19:33:20
In September 2000, at China's request, the heads of state of all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council held a summit, the first ever in the UN's 55-year history.

In October 2001, in Shanghai, Jiang, together with leaders from other members of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, posed for photos in elegant traditional Chinese clothes in a demonstration of strong solidarity in the aftermath of the Sept.11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

In October 2002, Jiang and US President George W. Bush had their third meeting within a year at Bush's Texas ranch to continue the important top-level strategic dialogue and contacts between the world's largest developing nation and the world's largest developed nation. Following an in-depth exchange of views, Jiang and Bush reached consensus on a series of major issues.

Over the past 13 years, China has responded well to international crises and built up its image as a responsible country in the world. Through the promotion of dialogue and cooperation, China has created a more favorable international environment for its development in the new century and has also ushered its diplomatic work into a new era.

China attaches great importance to strengthening relations with its neighbors.

The relationship between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has evolved in a positive manner. China and ASEAN have agreed to establish a free-trade zone in 2010. This represents a new breakthrough in China's development of relations with its neighbors.

In addition, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan established the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2001. The SCO, initiated by China, is the first international organization to be founded in China and named after a Chinese city.

China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have agreed to elevate their traditional friendly relationship to a higher level.

China and the Republic of Korea have established a framework for enhancing their cooperative partnership in the 21st century.

China and India have agreed to build a future-oriented constructive and cooperative partnership.

China and Pakistan have established a comprehensive cooperative partnership.

China's efforts to find a political solution to the Afghanistan issue and provide assistance to war-torn Afghanistan for post-war construction won acclaim around the world.