Chinese diplomacy aims to maintain world peace, promote common development (4)  
2002-11-13 19:45:33
Diplomacy influences the rise or fall of a nation. It is a main battlefield for safeguarding state sovereignty.

During the past 13 years, in the struggle to throw off sanctions imposed on China by western countries, in the struggle against pro-"Taiwan independence" and separatist forces, and in dealing with the "embassy bombing" and "military jet collision" incidents, China has demonstrated its strong principles while at the same time showing flexibility in seeking solutions.

China's determination to preserve its state sovereignty and national dignity, along with the wisdom it has shown in dealing with crises, has earned it acclaim and support from the international community.

China's diplomacy has also contributed to the promotion of communication and exchanges between nations and civilizations. On many important bilateral and multilateral occasions, China's voice has been heard.

The first two decades of the 21st century are a period of important strategic opportunities, which China must seize and which offer bright prospects. A new world war is unlikely in the foreseeable future. It is realistic to bring about a fairly long period of peace in the world and a favorable climate in areas around China.

Jiang Zemin said China stands for going along with the historical tide and safeguarding the common interests of mankind; for establishing a new international political and economic order that is fair and rational; for maintaining the diversity of the world and in favor of promoting democracy in international relations and diversifying development models; and for fighting against terrorism of all forms.

"We are ready to work with all nations to advance the lofty cause of world peace and development," Jiang said.