CPC Congress makes headlines overseas  
2002-11-09 12:00:49
The start of the historic Congress is also making headlines far beyond the borders of China. For the nearly 1,400 Chinese and international reporters who've gathered in Beijing to cover the event, another piece of history is being made.

Almost a month before the Party Congress opened, a round of competition between world news organizations began. Thousands of journalists applied to cover the meeting. In the end, 1,376 of them, including 8-hundred from overseas, were allowed to enter the Great Hall of the People on Friday.That figure ranks as the highest in history for world reporters covering the CPC National Congress. They are particularly interested in the CPC's leadership transition and its possible impact on the future of China, the world's most populous nation as well as the largest emerging economic power. This Russian correspondent says what he cares about most is the future of relations between Moscow and Beijing, as China is Russia's biggest neighbor. This reporter from the Caribbean nation of St. Lucia says since his country shares many of the same challenges in economic development as China, he is expecting his report on China's reform to be useful for St Lucia.