Li Lanqing hails "Three Represents"  
2002-11-09 13:15:09
Li Lanqing said Friday that the core of Jiang Zeming's report delivered at the opening of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the important thought of Three Represents.

"The important thought of Three Represents is a continuation and development of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. It is a crystallization of the whole Party's wisdom which comes from the great practices of millions of Chinese people. It is also a brilliant example of the localization of Marxism," Li made the remarks during discussions with the Shandong delegation to the on-going Congress Friday afternoon.

Since it was founded 81 years ago, the CPC has always adhered to seeking truth from facts and proceeding from the actual situation, and emphasized on the combination of Marxism with the Chinese practice, which means the localization of Marxism, Li said.

Li believes that so long as the Party sticks to emancipating the mind, seeking theoretical innovation and keeping pace with the times, it can brave and survive any tests in the face of whatever changes in the international arena and lead the Chinese people from one victory to another.

"The important thought of Three Represents will guide the Party to achieve its objectives in the new century," he said.