Goodwill, sincerity in Jiang's report for improving cross-Straits ties: CPC delegates  
2002-11-11 14:58:31
Delegates of Taiwan origin attending the on-going 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) said the report Jiang Zemin delivered at the congress shows the CPC's goodwill and sincerity in promoting the development of cross-Straits ties.

Discussing the report, the delegates said its content about "one county, two systems" and reunification of the motherland offers a good chance for improving cross-Straits relations and shows a bright prospect for the peaceful reunification.

Delegate Sun Guifen said that Jiang's remarks on the Taiwan question are more concrete and pragmatic and more affirmative towards the role of Taiwan compatriots in developing the ties between the two sides.

She added that the "one country, two systems" principle offers the best way to achieve the reunification of the motherland.

The report shows that the Communist Party of China highly respects the wishes of people in Taiwan and shoulders great responsibilities for them, said Lin Mingyue, another delegate.

Only when backed by a strong motherland will Taiwan have a broad space for development and Taiwan people enjoy true happiness, Lin said.

Delegates Chen Weiwen and Qu Jianguo said Jiang's report fully demonstrates the CPC's utmost goodwill, flexible approach and broad mind.

They expected the Taiwan authorities to make a correct response as soon as possible, return to the consensus on the one-China principle, and stop doing things harmful to the common interests of people on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Delegate Lin Liyun said the report brings more hope to the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question. Delegate Yang Guoqing said he would do his best to increase understanding between people across the Straits.