La Rose Noire's factories employ more than 400 employees. In 2004 Gerard built an 80,000 square foot workshop in Dongguan, a city in southern China. The Dongguan factory is an important gateway into the Mainland market. All of the products made at his Dongguan factory are for overseas or the mainland.

Every night one Hong Kong street is crowded with visitors. Expatriates and locals come here to have fun – and make Lan Kwai Fong one of the most famous nightspots in the world. Especially big crowds gather for holidays like Halloween and New Year’s Eve.


Lan Kwai Fong's visitors are diverse. It's a hotspot for Hong Kong professionals, and is one of the city’s most distinctive tourist attractions. And it's still a favorite place for Allan Zeman Lan Kwai Fong's founder, who moved here from Canada in 1975. I had the chance to explore the neighborhood with Zeman, and he told me he fell in love with Hong Kong during his first visit to the city. He began importing clothes from Hong Kong to Canada in the 1970s and was a millionaire by the age of 19. Zeman says Hong Kong is an ideal place to start a business.


"There are a lot of things that are attractive about HK. First of all, as a businessman, as far as I'm concerned, there is no better place in the world. We have a very very good rule of law. It’s the ease of getting in getting out of HK. The internationalism. Easy to do business. It's the strategic location of HK because now the buzzword is China. Everybody wants to do business with China. The government really lets businesses exist on their own. We have very limited government interference here. That has made HK such a wonderful place. "

"I have been for 37 years. I have seen the handover ceremony. I have been here from the British administration and now under Chinese. I saw HK go from strength to strength. HK has never been better. With the integration with China now, as China opens up more and more, HK becomes more and more important to China and HK has a place for itselfk,"says Allan Zeman , Chairman of A Lan Kwai Fong Group Company.

When Zeman opened his first restaurant here in 1983, Lan Kwai Fong was just a narrow, quiet street. Hong Kong was already an international city, but there were no places for expatriate and tourists to meet and have fun. Zeman invested 32 million dollars to renovate buildings and open western restaurants. Since then the neighborhood has become a popular nightspot, and Zeman is one of the city's most famous entrepreneurs. After thirty years Zeman calls Hong Kong home.

Invest Hong Kong is a governmental organization which promotes Hong Kong as a financial and business center. As director general of invest hong kong Mike Rowse facilitates economic investment in the region. He says Hong Kong is a place full of opportunities.