Travel news
- China´s highways carry 227 mln passengers during Spring Festival
- 3.71 mln Chinese take flights in Spring Festival holiday
- China´s transport system braces for post-holiday rush
- Spring Festival return travel peak underway
- Taiwan charter flights enter peak period
- Extra railway and airline services laid to cope with travel rush
- Homeward bound
- First 2007 direct Taiwan flight "Fuwa" takes off
- Spring Festival travel enters high peak
- Taiwan prepares for Mainland travellers in Spring Festival
- Spring Festival passenger rush
- Railway tickets for Spring Festival hard to get
- Spring Festival: Tour price hikes does not deter tourists
- Spring Festival holiday brings surge in tourism
- Hong Kong shopping malls prepare for Spring Festival
- China´s new bullet trains debut
- Airfare lower during Spring Festival thanks to 10,000 extra flights
- 96 cross-strait charter flights during Spring Festival
- Outbound travel booms in Spring Festival
- New CRH bullet trains arrive in Shanghai
- Facilitations for students to buy train tickets
- Spring Festival travel peak starts in China
- No price hike on festival train tickets this year
- Tour price hikes during Spring Festival