Tibetan Marriage tells collision of concepts

2009-07-01 17:40 BJT

  BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhuanet) -- An activity was held at the Beijing Books Building lately to promote Tibetan Marriage, a river novel published by the Tibet People's Press.

  File photo shows the cover the Tibetan Marriage.(Photo: chinatibetnews.com)

  On the occasion, writer Dorje Zhuoga briefed the readers on the traditional Tibetan marriage customs and how the novel came into being.

  She said that she blended what she has seen and her feelings and thinking in the past ten years to weave the story. Hunting for novelty was not the selling point of Tibetan Marriage, Dorje added.

  Dorje Zhuoga, author of Tibetan Marriage, briefes the readers on how the novel came into being in Beijing on June 28, 2009. (Photo:tibet.cn)

  Tibetan Marriage, narrating the love stories of two girls, Zhuoga and Haohao, vividly and incisively reflects the collision of the time-honored and modern concepts.

  Dorje hoped readers would not focus too much on the esoteric side of the Tibetan marriage customs but observe Tibet's development and changes through the advancement of the hero and heroine's life and consciousness.


Editor: 卢佳颖 | Source: China Tibet Information Center