The largest plateau in the world --The Qingzang Plateau

  The Qingzang Plateau, in the west and southwest of China, which used to be called the Qingkang Plateau, is the largest plateau in the world ,with a reputation of being "The Roof of the World",Surrounded by the Himalayas, the Kunlun Mountains, the Qilien Mountains and the Transverse Range, The Qingzang Plateau is comprised of the Xizang Autonomous Region the western parts or both Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces as well as the southwest part of Gansu Province. With an area of about 2,350,000 square kilometres and an average altitude of more than four thousand metres, it is also the birthplace for all the big rivers of East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. Its countless lakes include the famous Namtso, the world's highest; Qinghai lake, China's largest salt water lake and others. According to the differences of its landforms, the Qingzang Plateau is divided into six parts: the North Tiber Plateau, the south Tibet Valleys, the Qaidamu Basin, the mountainous Qilien Ranges, the Qinghai Plateau as well as the Chuanzang mountain ranges and deep gorges.

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