



Some symbols recur on the walls of almost every temple, shrine and monastery, or on the walls of private houses. The most common decorative motifs of all are the Eight Sacred Emblems of Buddhism, as follows:

1. Dharma Wheel (chakra ) represents the unity of all things and symbolizes Sakyamuni himself


2. Umbrella ( gdugs ) is a token of loyalty and symbolizes the protection of the Dharma (faith ).


3. Conch Shell ( dun ) used in Buddhist worship as a trumpet or offertory vessel and symbolizes the. Spoken word'.


4. Golden Fish ( gser-na ) as water allows fish to swim freely, so Buddhist belief emancipates the soul. They symbolize spiritual liberation.


5. Lotus flower ( padma ) as the flower rises from muddy roots, so Nirvana arises from this shabby world and thus it symbolizes purity.


6. Vase ( bum-pa ) is used as a storage urn of a sacred receptacle and thus symbolizes hidden treasures.


7. Banner of Victory (dpal-be ) a unique Buddhist object, the cylindrical layered banner symbolizes victory over ignorance and death.



8. Endless Knot ( apal-be ) an auspicious geometric diagram, it symbolizes the unity of all things and the illusory character of time.

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