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Authority and Anti-Authority in the Production of Mexican Festival Drama

央视国际 (2005年02月11日 17:39)


Richard Bauman

  Indiana University, Bloomington

  Central among the ritual events in festivals celebrated in the municipality of Allende, Guanajuato, are nightlong performances of the traditional Nativity play, or coloquio, Tesoro Escondido (Hidden Treasure), a folk drama that dates back to the sixteenth century in Mexico and has roots even earlier in medieval Spanish drama. Tesoro Escondido is a traditional shepherds' play (called pastorela in other regions of Greater Mexico), which centers on the journey of a group of shepherds to Bethlehem to adore the Christ child and the efforts of Luzbel (the devil Lucifer), eventually vanquished by San Miguel (St. Michael), to keep them from doing so. Each community that wishes to produce a coloquio must have a script. The scripts are prized, protected, and maintained with considerable respect. The coloquio is composed in verse, and runs to more than 8,200 lines.

  Coloquio performances in Tierra Blanca, a community in which I have done fieldwork, are lengthy and elaborate productions, twelve to fourteen hours in duration, involving forty-three actors, six hired musicians, and a corps of other functionaries (curtain pullers, special effects people, etc.). The play is produced each year by a shifting group of men, los encargados (persons in charge), who take on the task voluntarily as a communal and devotional responsibility. One man serves as the primer encargado (first encargado) and is primarily in charge of organizing the production. In addition to the six official encargados, there is an additional individual who directs the rehearsals and serves as prompter during the rehearsals and the performance, offering the actors their lines when necessary.

  The production process begins in early November, around All Saints' Day, proceeds through the selection of actors, the distribution and learning of the parts, a series of five to seven rehearsals (ensayos) ending with the ensayo real (grand or true rehearsal), and culminating in the performance on January 15th. This process establishes a complex field of textual production and reproduction in which the text of the coloquio undergoes a series of transformations. For the overwhelming majority of the participants, the scripted text (el libro 'the book') serves as an authoritative frame of reference for the play. Participants and community members alike maintain when asked that the words are to be memorized, learned “completely by memory,” exactly as they are in the script. As observed by the primer encargado, “Everything runs by exact phrases.” These principles articulate the official ideology of intertextuality in regard to the coloquio, stipulating how a succession of texts should be related.

  Notwithstanding this professed ideal, in actual practice there is a significant amount of slippage from this ideal standard. For example, the copying and recopying of generations of scripts by people not well practiced in the skills of literacy has introduced a notable degree of scribal distortion into the script. The primer encargado and the prompter speak of words being cut off or missing, parts of the script not being well written, and so on; these flaws may be corrected or they may be allowed to stand. In addition, the language of the script is considered by the people of Tierra Blanca to be somewhat alien; they hear it as archaic, elevated, occasionally obscure. The script is far from incomprehensible but some words, phrases, and passages are difficult to understand, which leads individuals to make adjustments. Still further, in rehearsals and performance, actors are subject to lapses of memory or even occasional bouts of inebriation that makes for textual distortion. And so on. The point I wish to make here is that the standard of strict fidelity to the scripted text is an ideal one, a construction that is able to sustain a certain degree of relaxation in practice without undermining or compromising the framing of the script as authoritative. There is no felt contradiction on the part of participants between insisting at one moment that the parts should be memorized exactly as written and allowing in the next moment that the script has some flaws that call for repair. Still, almost all participants profess to subscribe to the ideal of exact fidelity to the scripted text throughout the production process--in copying the parts, learning the lines, rehearsing, and performing the play--and make at least some effort to achieve it.

  There is, however, one notable exception to the pattern, namely, the Hermit who accompanies the shepherds on their pilgrimage, an aged holy man who is at the same time a blatantly burlesque character. For the Hermit in the production under examination, the verbal field represented by the production process is markedly different from that of the rest of the cast.

  It is important to note that the actor playing the Hermit in this production is illiterate. He is a generation older than the rest of the cast and grew up in the period before compulsory primary education brought at least marginal literacy to the community. Accordingly, written scripts are of less direct use to him. Moreover, he made no special effort to learn his part before rehearsals, unlike the rest of the cast. Thus, for this Hermit, the immediate process of reanimating the coloquio text toward this particular performance began with the rehearsals, though in a broader sense he had, like the other participants, a lifetime's experience of other performances to draw upon. In the rehearsals, and in the performance as well, he relied on the prompter to feed him his lines one by one from the script in the characteristic fashion. This gave him the opportunity, as we will see, to talk back to the script line by line.

  As the rehearsals progressed, the Hermit learned some of his lines through practice. In his shorter speeches, when he did not require prompting, he tended to deliver the lines pretty nearly as they were given to him, in the manner of the other actors. In his longer speeches, however, he departed in a highly significant way from this standard practice, introducing a distinctive transformation of the text into his delivery.

  To comprehend what the Hermit is doing, it is important to bear in mind that he is given his lines one by one by the prompter and that the prompted lines are audible to the onlookers at the rehearsals and to much of the audience at the performance. Having been offered a given line, the Hermit exercises one of two options. First, he may repeat it faithfully or with slight enough deviation to count as faithful, as with the other characters. The second alternative, and by far the most frequently chosen option, is to respond with a parodic transformation created by incorporating elements of the existing text in a manner that creates a conscious contrast arising from the juxtaposition of two unlike approaches. Close examination of the rehearsals and performance make it clear that Hermit is improvising anew in each instance, though with some persistent elements as we shall see. Nevertheless, there are certain consistent patterns that characterize his parodic productions.

  An effective vantage point on the Hermit's parodic counterstatement is offered by a consideration of his line-by-line dialogue with the text in terms of the twin concepts of cohesion and coherence. As employed here, cohesion has to do with the formal linguistic features that tie a discourse together. Coherence depends upon whether the interpretive effort yields comprehensible meanings. In these terms, then, cohesion is a formal relationship, coherence an interpretive, semantic one. The tension between the two endows the Hermit's speech with much of its comic efficacy.

  The principal device employed by the Hermit in his transformation of the script is parallelism, constructing lines that retain certain features of the scripted (and prompted) lines while varying others. More specifically, his parallelistic rendering of the lines given him by the prompter rests on lexical and phonological ties. The lexical ties include repetition of words and grammatical variants of the same word. The phonological parallelism takes a number of forms: assonance, alliteration, rhyme, and punning.

  In addition to the lexical and phonological ties linking the Hermit's lines to those offered him by the prompter from the script, there are other formal correspondences as well. As a general tendency, the Hermit's lines are of relatively equal length to the scripted originals in terms of syllables and the intonation pattern that is characteristic of coloquio performance marks both the prompter's offering and the Hermit's delivery.

  Now all these formal ties between the Hermit's lines and the prompter's lines establish marked formal cohesion between the two. Nevertheless, the Hermit's transformations at best require an interpretive struggle to make sense of, while at worst they make no apparent sense at all to members of the audience. There is ample cohesion but far less coherence. Examination of the transcripts of the Hermit's speech reveals that in the great majority of cases the Hermit's lines represent a significant departure from the sense of the scripted lines fed to him by the prompter. Perhaps more importantly, they are semantically disjunctive with his own preceding lines, all the more so because his speech as delivered is a mix of lines from the text--those he repeats as prompted--and improvised transformations of the scripted lines of a very different style.

  Notwithstanding the quotient of incoherence that I have just outlined, however, the Hermit's transformations of the coloquio text are not without a certain broader consistency that endows his production with a measure of subversive coherence. The basis of this dimension of coherence lies in the saturation of the Hermit's speech with inversive, carnivalesque images and themes that sustain a powerful symbolic dialogue with the scripted piety of the text. The most prominent of these carnivalesque elements employed by the Hermit is bawdy sex. The Hermit's delivery is replete with sexual symbolism and sexual innuendo and references to his sexual liaisons--or ambitions--in irreverent opposition to normative expectations for an aged, supposedly celibate holy man whom the speech as scripted calls upon to be reaffirming his religious vocation. Many of his puns, rhymes, and other verbal harmonies turn on the names of women who are his implied or explicit sexual partners. These allusions are rendered all the more comically effective in that some of the names the Hermit employs are those of women in the community. Beyond the bawdy allusions and sexual innuendo, the Hermit employs a further range of carnivalesque resources: grotesque images (I almost burned my protruding lips); reference to bodily emissions (such as saliva); animalization (punning on “my body” as “my pig”); beating; and incongruous rhetoric.

  Thus, the Hermit's transformations of the word talk back to the authoritative text in a number of dimensions, challenging its authority by a complex set of interrelated subversive devices: speech play, parody, carnivalesque humor, and a significant coefficient of incoherence. The first dimension of challenge we may identify is the speech style of the coloquio script, the coloquio register. As I have noted, the speech style of the coloquio has a certain alien, distanced quality to it, archaic, elevated, often magniloquent. As a ritual speech style, it claims sacred authority; the ritual integrity of the coloquio is seen to depend upon its use and the stated ideology of the production is that it is not to be tampered with. Here, then, is the first target of the Hermit's subversion. Where the language of the coloquio is archaic, he renders it current; where it is elevated, he debases it; where it is magniloquent, he makes it coarse. In addition to subverting the authoritative language of the text, the Hermit's parodic transformations undermine the textuality of the script by rendering the discourse incoherent. Semantic coherence is only one foundation of textuality, but it is a powerful and primary one, considered the sine qua non of textuality by many commentators.

  In refusing to submit to the style and textuality of his speech as scripted, in contesting their authority, the Hermit is at the broadest pragmatic level introducing a centrifugal, decentering counterforce to the centripetal force of the production process itself as a process of actualizing the coloquio text in performance. The contest is played out in plain hearing every time the Hermit renders the speech: the authoritative text maintains its presence in the voice of the prompter and those lines that the Hermit does recite as prompted, and it echoes in the Hermit's parodic transformations, which are parasitic upon it. And in larger scope, after all, the Hermit's parody is surrounded and submerged--at least in quantitative terms--by recited speeches that submit to the authority of the scripted text. Nevertheless, a certain openness remains, revealed by the differential evaluations of the Hermit's transformations of the word offered by members of the community.

  If the Hermit's parody is a kind of practical commentary on the authorititave aspects of coloquio production, it is a commentary that can be interpreted in a number of ways. Some community members are critical, condemning the Hermit for wilfully mangling the scripted lines, though it is conventional for him to do so. These people profess the fullest allegiance to the authority of the text and hold all members of the cast accountable for doing their best to adhere to this standard. They are the pious purists, who would not have their religion compromised by the carnivalesque, traditional or not. Others are accepting. They attribute the Hermit's deviations from the script to his aging memory and illiteracy and the difficulties of the coloquio language. For them, the critical frame of reference is that the reanimation process is difficult and the actors are fallible, some more than others. The Hermit misses more lines than anyone else and uses a different redressive strategy, covering his lapses by clowning, but breakdowns can happen to anyone. The rest of the community--the majority--goes beyond mere acceptance to approval. They consider both fidelity to the script and the Hermit's burlesque to be of value; both have expressive power, both enhance experience, both require a certain virtuosity. On balance, submission to the authority of the script is more effective in accomplishing the coloquio but the Hermit's clowning is thoroughly enjoyable and enhances the play, all the more so as his burlesque, in various guises, is an unofficial and nearly universal coloquio convention in its own right. Those who would have him behave otherwise are themselves defying tradition.

  The close examination of the production process by which Tesoro Escondido is brought to performance reveals two strongly contrastive orientations toward the authoritativeness of the script that have a formative effect on the process itself and on the performance that is its goal. The majority of the participants, both actors and encargados, accept the authority of the written text and subscribe to a standard of textual fidelity, of rendering the scripted lines “by exact phrases.” By its very nature, however, the production process demands a sequence of transformations of the word in the transition from written text to fully enacted performance as the lines are copied out, learned, rehearsed, and performed. These transformations involve intersemiotic translation from the written to the spoken (and sung) word, shifts in the contextualization of the constituent speeches, and differential framings of the enacted word from rehearsal to full performance. In the process, as we have seen, there is a certain degree of acceptable deviation from full textual fidelity and exact memorization, allowing for normalization of a linguistically difficult and sometimes garbled text. This margin of allowable deviation, however, is not seen as challenging or compromising the ideology of textual authority.

  For the Hermit, by contrast, the process is guided by a very different orientation, a blatant challenge to the official standard. Because he is illiterate and has no use for the written pages from which the other actors learn their parts, the Hermit enters the production process at a later point, beginning with the rehearsals. But illiteracy alone does not preclude the memorization of lines; there is clear evidence in the literature on the pastorela of illiterate actors memorizing their parts by having them read out repeatedly by others, and the Hermit in Tierra Blanca does in fact render some of his shorter speeches as scripted. The most marked transformations of the word in the Hermit's performance of his role stem rather from a different impulse, a carnivalesque subversion of the authoritative text, resting on parody, speech play, and the undermining of semantic coherence. The Hermit's participation represents a centrifugal counterforce within the reanimation process, not sufficient to break it down but certainly effective in maintaining an anti-authoritative dialogue with the voices of official order.

  In recent years, there has been a growing sensitivity in folklore, anthropology, and adjacent disciplines to such symbolic tensions between order and disorder, in work on festival, symbolic inversion, the carnivalesque. My investigations of the production of Tesoro Escondido in Tierra Blanca draws centrally on these lines of scholarship, but I would maintain that the analysis of the dialogic tension between authoritative and anti-authoritative discourse in the process of production enhances the study of this phenomenon in at least two significant respects.

  To begin with, past studies in the field have focused overwhelmingly on finished discourse, the textual products of full public performance, where I have concentrated my investigation on the discursive field represented by the production process, tracing the sequence of transformations of the word from the socially given text through the copying of the parts, learning of the lines, rehearsal, and performance. The end performance represents only one dimension of the engagement of coloquio participants with the authoritative text, whereas they are in fact differentially engaged with the text at each successive stage of the production process. Moreover, each stage of the reanimation process has a formative effect on those that follow, including of course the performance itself. If we are to comprehend the social life of discourse and the pragmatics of textuality in their fullest scope, investigation of the production process is essential.

  In addition to extending the scope of analysis beyond end products to the full field of discursive production, I have also endeavored to fill what I perceive to be a second analytical gap in the literature by providing a degree of formal specificity missing from most studies of authoritative versus anti-authoritative discourse carried out in structural symbolic terms. And performance, the functional efficacy of which rests so centrally on an intensification of formal reflexivity, memorability, and repeatability, offers an especially productive focus for investigations of this kind.




责编:郭翠潇  来源:CCTV.com

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闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻锝夊箣閿濆憛鎾绘煕閵堝懎顏柡灞诲€濆畷顐﹀Ψ閿旇姤鐦庡┑鐐差嚟婵潧顫濋妸褎顫曢柟鎹愵嚙绾惧吋绻涢崱妯虹瑨闁告﹫绱曠槐鎾寸瑹閸パ勭彯闂佹悶鍔忓▔娑㈡偩瀹勬壋鏀介柛鈥崇箲閻庡妫呴銏″婵炲弶锚閳绘挻銈i崘鈹炬嫼闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎾剁不閻愮儤鐓曞┑鐘插暞缁€瀣偓瑙勬礃閿曘垽宕洪埀顒併亜閹哄棗浜惧銈庝簻閸熷瓨淇婇崼鏇炲耿婵°倐鍋撴い顐㈡喘濮婅櫣绮欓崸妤娾偓妤冣偓瑙勬处閸撶喖骞嗛崘顕呮晢闁告洦鍏橀幏濠氭⒑缁嬫寧婀伴柣鐔村姂瀹曟鐣濋埀顒傛閹烘鏁嬮柛娑卞幘娴狀垶姊洪悷鎵暛闁搞劏妫勯悾鐑芥偄绾拌鲸鏅┑鐐村灦閿氬鐟邦儑缁辨挻鎷呴悷鏉垮Б闁圭厧鐡ㄧ划搴e垝閳哄懏鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹 | CCTV.com婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鎯у⒔缁垳鎹㈠☉銏犵婵炲棗绻掗崝鎾⒑鏉炴壆顦︽い鎴濇婵$敻宕熼姘鳖啋闁荤姾娅i崕銈夋倵妤e啯鈷戦柛娑橈功閹冲啰绱掔紒姗堣€跨€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゆ惞閸︻叏绱查梻渚€娼х换鎺撴叏閻㈠憡鍋熸い鏇楀亾婵﹦鍎ゅḿ顏堝箥椤曞懏袦闂佽瀛╅惌顕€宕¢崘宸殨閻犲洦绁村Σ鍫ユ煏韫囨洖顫嶉柕濞炬櫆閻撳繘鐓崶褝宸ュ褎鐓¢弻锝呪攽閸ヮ煈妫冨┑顔硷攻濡炰粙鐛弽顓熷€烽柟缁樺俯閻庡绱撻崒娆愮グ妞ゆ泦鍥ㄥ亱闁圭偓鍓氶崵鏇炩攽閻樺疇澹橀幆鐔兼⒑閸愬弶鎯堥柛濠傛啞缁傚秹鎮欓悜妯锋嫼缂備礁顑嗙€笛冿耿閹殿喚纾奸悗锝庡亜閻忓瓨銇勯姀鈩冾棃闁轰焦鎹囬弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷 | 婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻娑樷槈濮楀牊鏁鹃梺鍛婄懃缁绘劙婀侀梺绋跨箰閸氬绱為幋锔界厱闁靛ǹ鍎遍埀顒佹倐濠€渚€姊虹紒妯撳湱浜稿▎鎾崇疅妞ゆ挶鍨洪悡鐔兼煙鏉堝墽绋绘い銉ヮ槺閻ヮ亪骞嗚閸嬨垽鏌″畝瀣М妤犵偛娲、娑橆潩鏉堫煈鍤勯梻鍌欒兌缁垳绮欒箛娑樼?闂侇剙绉撮悡姗€鏌熸潏楣冩闁稿﹦鍏橀弻鈩冨緞鐎n亞浠奸梺鍛婃⒒鏋柍瑙勫灴閹亪鍩€椤掆偓椤潡鍩€椤掑嫭鐓犻柛鎰絻椤h櫕淇婇崣澶婂闁诡喗鐟╁畷顐﹀礋椤愩垺鏆忓┑锛勫亼閸婃牠骞愭ィ鍐ㄧ獥閹兼番鍔岄悞鍨亜閹烘垵鈧綊寮抽鍕厸閻忕偠顕ф俊濂告煃鐟欏嫬鐏寸€规洖宕埥澶愬箥娴i晲澹曞┑掳鍊愰崑鎾绘婢跺绡€濠电姴鍊归崳鐟懊归悪鍛暤闁哄本娲熷畷鎯邦槻妞ゅ浚鍙冮弻娑㈠煛鐎n剛鐦堥悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戠闁靛ě鍐╂啟闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢敃鈧€氬銇勯幒鎴濃偓濠氭儗濞嗘挻鐓欓弶鍫濆⒔閻i亶鏌i幘杈捐€块柡宀€鍠愬ḿ蹇涘礈瑜忛弳鐘参旈悩闈涗杭闁搞劎鍎ょ粚杈ㄧ節閸ヮ灛褔鏌涘⿰鍐ㄦ殲妞わ絽銈稿铏规嫚閳ヨ櫕鐝紓浣藉皺閸嬫挾绮氭潏銊х瘈闁搞儯鍔岄埀顒勬敱閵囧嫯绠涢幘鎰佷槐闂佺ǹ顑嗛幑鍥ㄤ繆閼搁潧绶炲┑鐘插缁遍亶姊绘担鍛婂暈濞撴碍顨婂畷銏犫枎韫囧﹥顫嶉梺闈涚箳婵兘藝閵娿儺娓婚柕鍫濇椤ュ棝鏌涚€n偄濮嶉柟顕€绠栭幖褰掑捶椤撶媴绱茬紓鍌氬€烽梽宥夊垂瑜版帞宓侀柡宥庡幗閻撴瑧鈧懓瀚伴崑濠囧磿韫囨稑纭€闁告鍋愰弨浠嬫煟濡櫣锛嶆い锝嗙叀閺岋綁骞樼捄鐑樼亪濡ょ姷鍋為悧鏇″絹濡炪倖宸婚崑鎾绘煟韫囧﹥娅婇柡灞剧洴婵¤埖鎯旈垾鏂ユ嫬闂備礁鎼張顒傜矙閹达讣缍栨繝濠傜墕閻掑灚銇勯幒鎴濃偓缁樼▔瀹ュ鐓涚€广儱楠搁獮鏍磼閻橀潧鈻堥柡宀嬬秮楠炲洭顢欓悡搴☆瀱闂備胶绮敮鐔煎磻閹版澘鐒垫い鎺嗗亾缂佺姴绉瑰畷鏇熸綇閳规儳浜炬繛鎴炲笚濞呭﹦鈧鍠楅悡锟犮€侀弮鍫濋唶闁绘柨寮剁€氬ジ姊婚崒娆戣窗闁稿妫濆畷鎴濃槈閵忊€虫濡炪倖鐗楃粙鎺戔枍閻樼偨浜滈柡鍥殔娴滈箖姊洪崫鍕効缂傚秳绶氬顐﹀箛閺夎法鍊為悷婊冪Ч閻涱喚鈧綆鈧厽妫冮幃鈺呮濞戞鍕冮梺姹囧焺閸ㄨ京鏁悢鍏煎€堕柛鎰靛枟閳锋垿姊洪銈呬粶闁兼椿鍨遍弲鍫曨敍閻愬鍘遍柟鍏兼儗閸犳牗绂嶉悧鍫熷弿濠电姴瀚敮娑氱磼濡ゅ啫鏋涢柛鈹惧亾濡炪倖宸婚崑鎾崇暆閿濆牆鍔垫い锕€缍婇幐濠傗攽閸犮垹缍婇幃鈺侇啅椤旂厧澹堢紓鍌欑劍閸旀牠銆冮崱妯尖攳濠电姴娲ゅ洿闂佸憡娲﹂崰鏍储閳╁啰绡€闁冲皝鍋撶€广儱娲ㄩ惁鍫濃攽椤旂》宸ユい顓炲槻閻g兘骞掗幋鏃€鐎婚梺鍦劋閸ㄧ數鏁娑楃箚闁绘劦浜滈埀顒佸灴瀹曠銇愰幒鎾存珖闂侀潧锛忛崨顓炶Е闂備胶绮濠氬储瑜旈弻瀣炊椤掍胶鍘繝銏f硾閻楀棝宕濋妶鍡愪簻闁哄倽鍎荤€氱増銇勯鍕殻濠碘€崇埣瀹曘劑顢涘⿰搴℃暪闂傚倷鑳剁划顖炪€冮崨顓囨稑鈽夊顒€鐏婃繝鐢靛У閸戝綊寮澶嬬厽闁归偊鍓﹂崵鐔兼煕濞嗗繑顥㈡慨濠呮缁辨帒螣閼姐値妲梻浣呵归敃銈咃耿闁秴鐒垫い鎺嶈兌閸熸煡鏌熼崙銈嗗 | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻锝夊箣閿濆憛鎾绘煕閵堝懎顏柡灞剧洴楠炴﹢鎳犻澶嬓滈梻浣规偠閸斿秶鎹㈤崘顔嘉﹂柛鏇ㄥ灠閸愨偓濡炪倖鍔﹀鈧柡澶樺弮濮婃椽鏌呴悙鑼跺濠⒀屽櫍閺屾盯鎮㈤崨濠勭▏闂佷紮绲块崗妯讳繆濮濆矈妲烽梺绋款儐閹告悂鍩ユ径濞炬瀺妞ゆ挆鍌滃嚬缂備礁鍊哥粔闈涐缚韫囨稑惟鐟滃繘鎯侀崼銉︹拺婵懓娲ら悘鍙夌箾娴e啿鍟伴幗銉╂⒒閸屾瑨鍏岄弸顏堟煥閺囨ê鈧繈銆佸棰濇晣闁绘ɑ鍓氬ḿ鐔兼⒑閸︻厼浜鹃柛鎾磋壘宀e潡鍩¢崨顔惧幘闂佸憡绺块崕鏌ュ汲閳哄懏鐓曟俊顖氭惈閼歌銇勯鍕殻濠碘€崇埣瀹曞崬螖閳ь剟锝為崶顒佲拺缂佸灏呴弨缁樼箾閼碱剙鏋庢い鏇秮楠炴牗鎷呴崫銉ф綁闂備礁澹婇崑鍡涘窗閹捐鍌ㄩ柦妯侯槴閺€浠嬫煟濡偐甯涙繛鎳峰嫪绻嗘い鎰剁悼濞插鈧娲樺浠嬪极閹邦厼绶為悗锝庡墮楠炴劙鏌f惔鈥冲辅闁稿鎹囬幃妤呮晲鎼粹€愁潻闂佺硶鏅涢惌鍌炲蓟瑜忕槐鎺懳熼悡搴樻嫲闂備礁鎼懟顖滅矓閻戦摪銊︾瑹閳ь剟寮诲☉銏犵閻犺櫣鍎ら悘鍫澪旈悩闈涗粶闁哥喐濞婅棟鐎规洖娲ㄧ壕鑲╃磽娴h疮缂氱紒鐘靛仧閳ь剝顫夊ú婵嬪春閺嶎厔鍥偋閸喎鍔呴梺鎸庣箓閸婂綊鏁嶉崼銉︹拻闁稿本鑹鹃埀顒€鍢查湁闁搞儜鈧弸鏍煛閸ャ儱鐏╅梻鍌ゅ灦閺屻劑寮撮悙娴嬪亾閸濄儳涓嶆い鏍仦閻撱儵鏌i弴鐐测偓鍦偓姘炬嫹 | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴f閺嬩線鏌涘☉姗堟敾闁告瑥绻橀弻锝夊箣閿濆棭妫勯梺鍝勵儎缁舵岸寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閹冣挃缂侇噮鍨抽幑銏犫槈閵忕姷顓洪梺鍝勫暊閸嬫捇鏌涢妶鍛ч柡灞剧洴婵$兘顢欓悡搴交缂傚倷鑳剁€氬繘宕熼鍡欑暰婵$偑鍊栭崝鎴﹀垂缂佹ḿ顩锋繛鎴炵懁缁诲棝鏌i幇顖氱厫妞ゃ儱顦伴妵鍕即椤忓棛蓱缂備礁鍊圭敮鐐哄焵椤掑﹦鍒伴柣蹇斿哺瀵彃鈹戠€n偀鎷洪梺鍦瑰ù椋庣不閹炬緞鏃堟偐閸欏鏆堢紓浣稿€圭敮鎺斿弲濡炪倕绻愰幊澶愬箯缂佹ḿ绠鹃柟鐐綑閻掑綊鏌涚€n偅灏扮紒缁樼⊕閹峰懘宕橀崣澶屾▓闂侀潧艌閺呮盯鎮為崹顐犱簻闁圭儤鍨甸顏堟煕鐎e墎绉柡宀€鍠栭弻鍥晝閳ь剟寮稿☉銏$厸閻庯綆鍋勯悘鈺冪磼鏉堛劌娴€规洘甯掗~婵喰掑▎宥呯仾妞ゃ劍绮撻、鏃堝礃閵娿儳銈柣搴ゎ潐濞叉﹢銆冩繝鍥х畺婵炲棙鎼╅弫鍡椼€掑顒佸妞ゃ儱鐗撳缁樻媴閼恒儯鈧啴鏌i幒鐐电暤鐎规洘绻傞埢搴ょ疀閺囩喐顔曢梻渚€娼ц墝闁哄應鏅犲顐﹀炊椤掍胶鍘介梺鍝勫€搁悘婵嬎夎箛娑欑厱闁绘劘灏欑粔鐑樻叏婵犲偆鐓肩€规洘甯掗埢搴ㄥ箣濠靛棭鐎撮梻浣筋嚙濞寸兘鎮烽幎钘夊窛妞ゆ牗绮庨崢顖炴⒒娴e憡璐¢柛搴涘€濋妴鍐幢濞戞ḿ锛涢柣搴秵閸犳鎮¢悢闀愮箚妞ゆ牗渚楅崕銉╂煕閵堝棛鎳囬柡宀嬬畵瀹曟﹢顢旈崟顒備邯闂備礁鎼張顒€煤濡吋宕叉繛鎴欏灩閸ㄥ倹銇勯弮鍌氬付妞ゎ偄瀛╃换婵堝枈濡搫鈷夐悷婊勬緲閸熸挳骞冭缁绘繈宕熼鈧惔濠傗攽閻愭潙鐏熼柛銊ョ秺閻涱噣濮€閳ヨ尙绠氬銈嗙墬缁诲啴顢旈悩缁樼厽闁绘梹娼欐俊鍏笺亜椤忓嫬鏆e┑鈥崇埣瀹曟﹢濡搁妷銉渐缂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋瑜斿畷鎰板锤濡も偓閺勩儵鏌i幇顒佹儓缂佺媴缍侀弻銊╁籍閸ヮ煈妫勯梺閫炲苯澧伴柛蹇旓耿楠炲啫螖閳ь剟鍩ユ径濞炬瀺妞ゆ挆鍌炲仐闂佸綊鏀卞ú妯肩紦娴犲宸濆┑鐐靛亾鐎氳偐绱撻崒娆戭槮妞ゆ垵鎳愭禍鎼佸川閺夋垹鍝楅梺鐓庮潟閸婃澹曟總鍛婂仯闁搞儺浜滈惃鍝勵熆瑜濈粻鎾诲蓟閻旂⒈鏁婇悹鍥ㄥ絻缁侇喖顪冮妶鍐ㄧ仾闁荤啿鏅犲濠氬Ω閳哄﹥鏅┑顔斤供閸嬪嫰藟濮樿埖鈷掑ù锝囨嚀椤曟粎绱掔拠鎻掆偓褰掋€冮妷鈺佺濞达絿枪閸ゆ垵鈹戦悙鏉戠仸婵ǜ鍔庢竟鏇熺附閸涘﹦鍘藉┑鈽嗗灥濞咃綁鏁嶅澶嬬厓妞ゆ牗绋掔粈瀣煛鐏炵偓绀嬬€规洘鍎奸ˇ鍙夈亜韫囷絽骞楁い銊e劦閹瑩寮堕幋鐐剁檨婵°倗濮烽崑娑㈩敄閸涙潙鐓橀柟杈剧畱缁€鍐煏婵炲灝鈧洟藟濮橆兘鏀介柨娑樺娴犳粍銇勯幋婵囧櫧闁逞屽墯缁嬪牓寮查悩缁樻櫜闁绘劕鎼崡鎶芥煏韫囥儳纾块柛娆忔閳规垿鎮╃紒妯婚敪濠碘槅鍋掗崢鐓庡祫閻熸粎澧楃敮妤呮偂閻斿吋鐓欓柟瑙勫姈绾箖鏌$€n偆娲撮柡宀嬬磿娴狅箓鎮欓鍌ゆХ缂傚倷鑳舵慨鐢电矙閹烘梹宕叉繝闈涱儏缁€鍐煃閸濆嫬鏆欑紒韫矙濮婂宕掑▎鎰偘濡炪倖娉﹂崨顔煎簥闂佸湱鍎ら幐鍓х不妤e啯鐓冪憸婊堝礈閻旂厧钃熼柍銉ョ-閺嗗棝鎮楅敐搴″闁糕晛鐭傞弻褏绱掑Ο鐓庘拰闂佸搫鑻粔鐑铰ㄦ笟鈧弻娑㈠箻鐠虹儤鐏堥梺缁樹緱閸犳鎹㈠┑瀣倞鐟滃繘鎮块埀顒勬⒒娴h櫣甯涙い銊ユ嚇閹囧幢濡炵粯鐏侀梺缁樻煥閸氬鍩涢幒鎴欌偓鎺戭潩椤掍焦鎮欐繝鈷€灞芥灓缂佽鲸甯楀鍕節閸曨剚鍠栭梻浣呵圭€垫帡宕戞繝鍌ゆ綎缂備焦蓱婵挳鏌涘┑鍕姕闁诲寒鍠栭埞鎴﹀焺閸愶缚绮婚梺鍛婃⒐閸ㄥ潡鐛繝鍋芥棃宕ㄩ銏犳暪闂備礁鎼ú鐘诲磻閹剧粯鐓曢柕澶樺枛婢у鏌℃担鍓插剶闁哄苯绉烽¨渚€鏌涢幘瀵告噰闁挎繄鍋犵粻娑㈠箻娴h銇濇い銏℃瀹曠喖顢楁径瀣垫(闂傚倸鍊风欢姘缚瑜旂瘬闁逞屽墴濮婂宕熼銏╀純闂佽鍠氶弫璇差嚕椤曗偓瀹曞ジ鎮㈤崣澶婎伖闂傚倷绀侀幉锛勭紦閸ф纾块柛妤冨亹閺嬪秹鐓崶銊р姇闁绘挻娲熼幃妤呮晲鎼存繃鍊i梻濠庡墻閸撴瑩鍩為幋锕€鐒洪柛鎰ㄦ櫅閸炲鎮楃憴鍕閻㈩垽绻濋獮鍐ㄢ枎閹存柨浜炬繛鎴烆伆閹达富鏁傞柣鏂垮悑閳锋帒霉閿濆牆袚缁绢厼鐖奸弻娑㈡晲韫囨洜鏆ゅΔ鐘靛仜缁绘﹢寮幘缁樻櫢闁跨噦鎷� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳婀遍埀顒傛嚀鐎氼參宕崇壕瀣ㄤ汗闁圭儤鍨归崐鐐烘⒑闂堟丹娑㈠川椤撱垻宕曢梻鍌氬€风粈浣圭珶婵犲洤纾婚柛鈩冪☉缁愭鏌涢埄鍐$細妞も晝鍏橀弻娑㈩敃閻樿尙浼勭紒鐐劤閵堟悂骞冨Δ鍛櫜閹肩补鈧尪鍩呴梻浣呵圭花娲磿閼碱剚宕叉繛鎴欏灩缁€鍌炴煠濞村娅呴柍顏勭秺濮婅櫣鈧湱濯ḿ鎰版煕閵娿儲鍋ユ鐐插暣閸┾剝鎷呴悜妯活啎闂備焦鎮堕崕鎾春閺嵮€鏋旂憸鐗堝笚閳锋帒霉閿濆牊顏犻悽顖涚洴閹粙顢涢妶鍥╋紵缂備緡鍠栭…宄邦嚕娴犲鏁囬柣鎰煐閹蹭即姊绘担铏瑰笡婵☆偂绀侀埢宥夋晲閸パ屾婵犻潧鍊搁幉锟犳偂韫囨稓鍙撻柛銉e妽缁€鈧柡宥忕節濮婅櫣鎷犻懠顒傤唶闂佺粯顨呯换鎺懳i幇鏉跨閻庢稒锚椤庢捇姊洪崨濠勭畵閻庢氨鍏橀崺鈧い鎺嶇劍鐏忕數绱掓潏銊﹀碍妞ゆ挸銈稿畷鐔碱敇閻橀潧搴婇梺璇插椤旀牠宕伴弽顓涒偓锕傛倻閽樺鐣洪梺闈涚箞閸ㄦ椽宕戝鈧弻宥夊Ψ閵夈儱绗繝銏n潐濞叉牠鍩為幋锔藉€烽柡澶嬪灩娴犳悂姊洪懡銈呮珢缂佽鲸娲滃Σ鎰板箻閹颁焦鍍甸梺鐓庢憸閺佹悂宕㈤挊澶樻富闁靛牆妫欑亸鐢告煕鎼淬垹濮嶇€规洘娲熼獮瀣偐閻㈢绱查梺鍝勵槸閻楀嫰宕濈仦鐭綊顢欐慨鎰盎闂侀潧绻嗛埀顒€鍟块幗鐢告倵鐟欏嫭绀€鐎规洦鍓濋悘鎺撶箾閹炬潙鍤柛顭戝灣濡叉劙鏁撻敓锟� | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柟缁㈠枟閸庡顭块懜闈涘缂佺嫏鍥х閻庢稒蓱鐏忣厼霉濠婂懎浜惧ǎ鍥э躬婵″爼宕熼鐐差瀴闂備礁鎲¢悷銉ф崲濮椻偓瀵鏁愭径濠勵吅闂佹寧绻傚Λ顓炍涢崟顓犵<闁诡垎鍐f寖缂備緡鍣崹鎶藉箲閵忕姭妲堥柕蹇曞Х椤撳搫鈹戦悙鍙夘棞缂佺粯甯楃粋鎺撱偅閸愨斁鎷虹紓浣割儏鐏忓懏螞濮樿埖鐓曢柍鍝勫€绘晶閬嶆煙楠炲灝鐏╅柍瑙勫灩閳ь剨缍嗛崑鎺懳涢崘銊㈡斀闁绘劖娼欓悘銉р偓瑙勬处閸撶喎鐣峰⿰鍫濈妞ゆ柨澧介敍婵囩箾鏉堝墽鍒伴柟纰卞亜閺嗏晠姊绘担鍛婃喐濠殿喚鏁婚幃褔鎮╁顔兼婵犵數濮甸懝鐐劔闂備礁鍟块幖顐﹀磹閸涘﹦顩叉繝濠傜墛閳锋垿鏌涘☉姗堝姛缂佺姵鎹囬幃妤€顫濋浣告畻婵犳鍠掗崑鎾绘⒑闂堟稓澧曟俊顐n殜閸┾偓妞ゆ巻鍋撻柣蹇斿哺楠炲牓濡搁妷顔藉缓闂佺硶鍓濋〃鍛村煕閹烘垟鏀介柍銉ュ暱缁狙勪繆閻愭壆鐭欑€殿喛顕ч濂稿醇椤愶綆鈧洭姊绘担鍛婂暈闁圭ǹ顭烽幃鐤槾闁告帗甯為幏鐘差啅椤斿吋鍊┑鐘灱濞夋盯鏁冮敃鍌涙櫖闁绘柨鍚嬮埛鎺戙€掑顒佹悙濠⒀屽枤缁辨帗寰勬繝搴℃缂備緡鍠栭…鐑藉箖閳哄啯瀚氶柤纰卞墻閸熷洭姊绘担鍛婅础闁冲嘲鐗撳畷銏°偅閸愩劌鍋嶅┑鐘诧工閹虫劗澹曢悾灞稿亾楠炲灝鍔氭俊顐g⊕閺呭爼鎮介崨濠勫幐闁诲繒鍋犻褎鎱ㄩ崒鐐寸厵妞ゆ柨鎼埀顒佺箓閻g兘骞掗幋鏃€顫嶅┑顔筋殔濡梻妲愰敓锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁惧墽鎳撻—鍐偓锝庝簼閹癸綁鏌i鐐搭棞闁靛棙甯掗~婵嬫晲閸涱剙顥氬┑掳鍊楁慨鐑藉磻濞戔懞鍥偨缁嬫寧鐎梺鐟板⒔缁垶宕戦幇鐗堢厱闁归偊鍨扮槐锕傛煟閵忕媭鐓兼慨濠勭帛缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓宀h儻顦归挊婵囥亜閹板墎鐣遍柣銈夌畺閺屽秹宕崟顒€娅i梺鍝勵儎缁舵岸寮诲☉銏犲嵆闁靛ǹ鍎虫禒顓㈡⒑缂佹ɑ灏版繛鑼枛瀵顓兼径濠勫幐婵炶揪绲介幉鈥斥枔閸洘鈷戦悗鍦У椤ュ銇勯敃鍌欐喚闁诡垪鍋撳銈呯箰閻楀棛绮诲杈ㄥ枑閹兼番鍔岀壕濠氭煏婢跺棙娅嗛柣鎾跺枛閺岀喖宕归鍏兼婵炲瓨绮嶆竟鍡涘焵椤掑喚娼愭繛鍙夌墵閹儵宕楅梻瀵哥畾濠殿喗绻傞惌鍫澪i柨瀣瘈婵炲牆鐏濋弸娑欑箾瀹割喖骞栨い顐㈢箻閹煎綊宕烽鐙呯床婵犵妲呴崹宕囧垝椤栫偛纾块柟鎯у绾句粙鏌涚仦鐐殤鐏忓繒绱撴担钘夌厫闁煎綊绠栭、姘舵晲閸℃瑧鐦堝┑顔斤供閸樿棄鈻嶅⿰鍕瘈闁靛骏绲剧涵楣冩煥閺囶亞鐣甸柟顔兼健閸┾偓妞ゆ帒瀚埛鎺楁煕鐏炴崘澹橀柍褜鍓氶幃鍌炲箖瑜庣换婵嬪礋椤撶姷鍘梻浣侯攰閹活亞鎷嬮敐鍥╃闁哄稁鍘介悡鍐煕濠靛棗顏╅柍褜鍓濆畷闈涱嚕瑜旈崺鈧い鎺戝閳锋垿姊婚崼鐔烘创闁绘稒绮庣槐鎾愁吋閸涱噮妫﹂悗瑙勬处閸ㄨ泛鐣烽崼鏇ㄦ晢濞达絽鎼獮宥夋⒒娴e憡鍟為柛顭戝灦瀹曟劙寮介鐔蜂壕婵ḿ鍋撶€氾拷
 婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤椤兘寮婚敐澶婄疀妞ゆ帊鐒﹂崕鎾绘⒑閹肩偛濡奸柛濠傛健瀵鈽夐姀鈺傛櫇闂佹寧绻傚Λ娑⑺囬妷褏纾藉ù锝呮惈瀛濈紓鍌氱Т閿曨亜顕g拠宸悑濠㈣泛锕g槐鍫曟⒑閸涘﹥澶勯柛鎾寸懃閳诲秹鏁愭径瀣ф嫼缂備礁顑堥崕濠氾綖閿曞倹鐓曢柡鍐e亾闁搞劌鐏濋锝嗙節濮橆厽娅滄繝銏f硾閿曪箓顢欓幒妤佸€甸悷娆忓缁€鈧┑鐐茬湴閸斿苯宓勯棅顐㈡处缁嬫帡鍩涢幋锔界厾濠殿喗鍔曢埀顒佹礋瀵悂骞嬮敂钘夆偓鍨叏濮楀棗澧板褝濡囬埀顒侇問閸n噣宕抽敐澶婃槬闁逞屽墯閵囧嫰骞掗幋婵愪患缂備胶濯崹鍫曞蓟濞戞ǚ妲堥柛妤冨仧娴狀參姊虹粙娆惧剱闁挎洏鍨藉璇差吋婢跺﹦鍘告繛杈剧到閹测€斥枔閼哥數绠鹃悗娑欋缚閻鏌i悢鏉戝姦闁糕晝鍋ら獮瀣晜閼恒儲鐝梻浣告啞濞诧箓宕戦崒鐐茬骇妞ゆ挶鍨洪埛鎴犵磼鐎n亜鐨¢柡鈧繝姘厽婵°倕鍟埢鍫ユ煟濞戝崬娅嶆鐐叉喘椤㈡ê饪伴崘褏鍑归梻鍌欑閹诧繝宕濋幋锕€绀夐幖娣妽閺咁剚绻涢幋娆忕仾闁抽攱鍨块弻锝夋偄閻撳簼鍠婇梺鎼炲€楅崰鏍蓟濞戞埃鍋撻敐搴″闁哄鐩弻鏇㈠幢濡や礁娈楅悗娈垮枛椤攱淇婇悜鑺ユ櫆闁诡垎鍐啈闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍫曘€佹繝鍥х妞ゅ繐妫楃欢銈夋煕婵犲嫬娅忛柡鍡涗憾濮婂宕掑▎鎺戝帯缂備緡鍣崹鍫曠嵁閹邦厹鍋呴柛鎰╁妿閻涖儵姊洪崷顓烆暭婵犮垺蓱椤㈠﹪姊绘担鍛婂暈婵炶绠撳畷瑙勭附缁嬫寧鐎梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厵闁逛絻娅曞▍鍛存煟韫囧﹥娅囩紒杈ㄥ浮閹晠宕崟顐e劒缂傚倷娴囨ご鎼佸箰婵犳艾绠柛娑卞櫘濡插綊骞栨潏鍓ф偧鐎规洘鐓″缁樻媴婵劏鍋撻埀顒勬煕鐎n偅宕屾慨濠冩そ椤㈡鍩€椤掑倻鐭撻悗娑欙供閺€浼存⒒閸屾瑧顦﹂柟娴嬧偓瓒佹椽鏁冮崒姘€繝闈涘€绘灙闁哄绶氶弻娑㈠箛闂堟稒鐏嶉梺缁樻尭缁绘﹢鎮¢锕€鐐婄憸婵嬪绩缂佹ḿ绠鹃柛娑卞幗閸ゅ洭鏌$仦鍓ф创妤犵偞锚閻g兘宕惰閸樹粙姊绘担绛嬪殐闁哥姵顨婇妴鍐醇閵夈儳鐤呴梺鍦檸閸犳牜绮堢€n偁浜滈柟鐑樺灥閳ь剛鏁诲顐㈩吋閸モ晝锛濋梺绋挎湰閼归箖鍩€椤掆偓閹芥粎鍒掗弬璺ㄦ殾闁搞儺鐓堥崑銊モ攽椤旀枻渚涢柛鎿勭畵瀹曠敻寮撮悢缈犵盎闂佽婢樻晶搴ㄦ偩鏉堚晝纾奸柣妯烘惈閸氬湱绱掓潏銊﹀鞍闁瑰嘲鎳橀幊鏍焺閸愩劎浠撮梺瀹狀嚙缁夎鎱ㄩ埀顒勬煏閸繃顥戦柟閿嬫そ閺岋綁鎮╅崗鍛板焻闂佸憡鏌ㄩ懟顖炲煝瀹ュ绠涢柣妤€鐗忛崢鐢告⒑閸涘﹤鐏熼柛濠冪墱閳ь剚鐔幏锟� 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻锝夊箣閿濆憛鎾绘煕閵堝懎顏柡灞剧洴楠炴﹢鎳犻澶嬓滈梻浣规偠閸斿秶鎹㈤崘顔嘉﹂柛鏇ㄥ灠閸愨偓濡炪倖鍔﹀鈧柡澶樺弮濮婃椽鏌呴悙鑼跺濠⒀屽櫍閺屾盯鎮㈤崨濠勭▏闂佷紮绲块崗妯讳繆濮濆矈妲烽梺绋款儐閹告悂鍩ユ径濞炬瀺妞ゆ挆鍌滃嚬缂備礁鍊哥粔闈涐缚韫囨稑惟鐟滃繘鎯侀崼銉︹拺婵懓娲ら悘鍙夌箾娴e啿鍟伴幗銉╂⒒閸屾瑨鍏岄弸顏堟煥閺囨ê鈧繈銆佸棰濇晣闁绘ɑ鍓氬ḿ鐔兼⒑閸︻厼浜鹃柛鎾磋壘宀e潡鍩¢崨顔惧幘闂佸憡绺块崕鏌ュ汲閳哄懏鐓曟俊顖氭惈閼歌銇勯鍕殻濠碘€崇埣瀹曞崬螖閳ь剟锝炴惔銏㈢瘈婵炲牆鐏濋弸鐔兼煙缁嬪灝鏆遍柣锝呭槻閳规垿宕遍埡鍌氬厞闂佸搫顦悧鍐疾濠靛鏅繝濠傜墛閳锋垹绱撴担鐧稿叕濞撴碍鐩弻娑㈡偐瀹曞洤鈷岄悗瑙勬礃缁诲牓寮崘顔肩<婵炴垶鑹鹃獮鎰版⒑鐠囪尙绠抽柛瀣枛瀵煡顢曢姀鈩冪槑婵犵绱曢崑鎴炲閸ヮ剙纾兼繝濠傛噽瀹曟煡姊绘担鍛婃儓闁哄牜鍓熼幆鍕敍閻愰潧绁﹀┑鈽嗗灠閸氬鐣锋径鎰厽闁瑰鍋嶇紓姘舵煃瑜滈崜婵嬵敋瑜旈垾鏃堝礃椤斿槈褔鏌涢埄鍐$細闁宠绋撶槐鎾诲磼濮樻瘷锛勭磼閼搁潧鍝洪柣娑卞櫍瀹曟﹢鍩¢崘鐐カ闂佽鍑界紞鍡樼濠婂懐鐜绘繛鎴炵懅缁♀偓闂佹眹鍨藉ḿ褍鐡梻浣告憸閸c儵宕归崼鏇樷偓渚€寮崼鐔蜂簻闂佺ǹ绻愰惃鐑藉箯缂佹ḿ绠鹃弶鍫濆⒔缁夘剙鈹戦鍝勨偓妤€鈽夐悽绋块唶闁哄洨鍠撻崢閬嶆⒑閹稿海绠撶紒缁樺浮閹箖宕归顐n啍闂佺粯鍔樼亸娆戠不婵犳碍鐓涘ù锝堫潐瀹曞矂鏌℃担瑙勫磳闁轰焦鎹囬弫鎾绘晸閿燂拷
婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鎯у⒔缁垳鎹㈠☉銏犵婵炲棗绻掓禒楣冩⒑缁嬫鍎嶉柛濠冪箞瀵寮撮悢铏诡啎閻熸粌绉瑰畷顖烆敃閿旇棄鈧泛鈹戦悩鍙夊闁绘挻鐟╅弻娑滅疀濮橆兛姹楅梺鍝勬閿曘垽寮诲☉銏犳閻犳亽鍔庢导鍥╃磽娓氬洤鏋涙い顓炲槻椤曪綁宕愰悤浣剐ч梻渚€鈧偛鑻晶顖炴偨椤栨稑娴柨婵堝仜閳规垿宕堕妸褏肖闂備線娼ц噹闁告劦浜為妶鐑芥⒒閸屾艾鈧悂宕愰幖浣哥9闁归棿绀佺壕鍦偓鐟板閸g銇愰幒鎴犲€為悷婊冪箻瀵娊鏁冮崒娑氬幈濡炪値鍘介崹鍨濠靛鐓曟繛鍡楃箳缁犲鏌$仦绋垮⒉鐎垫澘瀚埀顒婄秵娴滄繈顢欓崨瀛樺仭婵犲﹤鎳庨。濂告偨椤栨稑绗х紒顔肩墢閳ь剨缍嗛崑浣圭濠婂牊鐓涚€广儱鍟俊浠嬫煟閵婏箑鐏﹂柕鍥у瀵剟骞愭惔顔斤紗婵犳鍠栭敃銊モ枍閿濆绠查柛鏇ㄥ灠鎯熼梺闈涱檧婵″洩銇愬鑸碘拻濞达絿鍎ら崵鈧梺鎼炲€栭悧鐘荤嵁韫囨稒鏅搁柨鐕傛嫹060535闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁惧墽鎳撻—鍐偓锝庝簼閹癸綁鏌i鐐搭棞闁靛棙甯掗~婵嬫晲閸涱剙顥氬┑掳鍊楁慨鐑藉磻濞戔懞鍥偨缁嬫寧鐎梺鐟板⒔缁垶宕戦幇鐗堢厱闁归偊鍨扮槐锕傛煟閵忕媭鐓兼慨濠傤煼瀹曟帒鈻庨幋锝囩崶闂備礁鎲¢幐濠氭偡瑜忛崚鎺楀籍閸屾浜鹃梻鍫熺⊕閹茬ǹ鈽夐幘宕囆i柕鍥у瀵粙顢曢~顓熷媰闂備胶绮幐鍫曞磿閻㈢ǹ钃熼柨婵嗩槸閸楁娊鏌i幇顓犮偞闁稿鎹囧畷鐑筋敇濞戞ü澹曞┑顔结缚閸嬫挾鈧熬鎷�  缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鈧鍝勑ч崶褉鍋撻妶澶婄獥婵°倕鎳庢闂佸憡娲﹂崹浼村礃閳ь剙顪冮妶鍡楀Е婵犫懇鍋撶紓渚囧枛閻栫厧顫忓ú顏勭闁绘劖褰冮‖鍫ユ⒑缁嬪尅宸ユい顓犲厴瀹曟椽鍩€椤掍降浜滈柟鐑樺灥閺嬨倖绻涢崗鐓庡缂佺粯鐩畷锝嗗緞鐏炶В鍚傞梺缁樻尪閸婃繈寮婚弴鐔虹鐟滃秹骞婂鍥╃當濠㈣埖鍔栭埛鎴︽煕濠靛棗顏╅柡鍡樼懇閺岋絽螖閳ь剟鏁冮鍫濈畺闁跨喓濮撮崡鎶芥煏韫囧ň鍋撻弬銉ヤ壕闁割偅娲橀悡鐔兼煙闁箑骞栫紒鎻掝煼閺屽秹鏌ㄧ€n偒妫冮梺鍝勮嫰缁夊綊骞愭繝鍐ㄧ窞婵☆垱浜惰濮婃椽妫冨☉娆愭倷闁诲孩纰嶅姗€顢氶敐澶婄妞ゆ洖妫涚粙蹇擃渻閵堝棙灏甸柛鐘查叄瀵悂濡舵径瀣ф嫽婵炶揪绲介幉锟犲箚閸儲鐓熸い鎾跺剱濡茶櫣鈧灚婢橀敃顏勭暦閹扮増鍋勯弶鐐村閸╁懘姊婚崒姘偓椋庣矆娴i潻鑰块弶鍫涘妿娴犳碍绻濋悽闈涗粶妞ゆ洦鍙冨缁樺緞閹邦儵锕傛煙闁箑鐏辨俊顖氬濮婃椽宕崟顓犲姽缂傚倸绉崑鎾剁磽娴e搫校闁烩晩鍨堕悰顔碱潨閳ь剟骞婇敓鐘参ч柛娑卞枔娴犮垻绱撻崒姘偓鎼佸磹閻戣姤鍤勯柛鎾茬閸ㄦ繃銇勯弽銊х煁鐎规洘鐓¢弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮㈤悗瑙勬尫缁舵岸寮诲☉銏犵疀闁宠桨绀侀‖瀣⒑閸濆嫭顥滄い鎴濐樀瀵鎮㈤崨濠傤€撻梺鍛婂姀閺呮繆銇愯濮婅櫣鎷犻弻銉偓妤併亜椤撶偛妲婚摶鐐烘煕濞戞瑦鍎楅柡浣稿暣閺屾洝绠涙繛鎯т壕闁归鐒﹁ⅸ婵犵數濮烽。钘壩i崨鏉戠;闁告洦鍘藉畷鏌ユ煙闁箑鐏eù婊堜憾濮婄粯鎷呴搹鐟扮闂佸憡姊归〃濠傜暦閺囥垹围濠㈣泛锕﹂崢閬嶆⒑绾懏褰ч梻鍕瀹曟垿鏁愭径瀣幈闂侀潧顦介崹鍐茬暆濞戙垺鐓曢悗锝庡亝鐏忣參鏌i敐鍥у幋鐎规洖鐖奸弫鍐焵椤掑嫬绠洪悗锝庝簴閺€浠嬫煥濞戞ê顏╁ù婊冦偢閺屾稒绻涜鐎氼亞鎹㈤崱娑欑厱闁靛鍠栨晶顕€鏌$€b晝顦﹂柍瑙勫灴閹晠鎼归銈嗩吇闁诲氦顫夐幐椋庣矆娓氣偓閸╃偤骞嬮敂钘変汗闂佸憡鐟ラˇ顖炈囬埡鍛拺缂佸灏呴崝鐔兼煕韫囨棑鑰跨€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣澑闂備胶纭堕崜婵嬨€冭箛鏂款嚤闁逞屽墴濮婄粯鎷呴悷閭﹀殝缂備礁顑嗙敮鐐哄礆閹烘垹鏆嗛柛鏇ㄥ亞閸樻挳姊虹涵鍛涧闂傚嫬瀚板畷鎴﹀箛閻楀牆浠梺鎼炲劚濞层倝宕埡鍐╊潟闁挎繂顦伴埛鎴︽偣閸ャ劌绲绘い鎺嬪灲閺屾盯骞嬪┑鍫⑿ㄩ悗瑙勬礃婵炲﹪寮幇顓炵窞濠电姴瀚弳顐⑩攽閻愬瓨缍戦柛姘儏宀e灝鈻庤箛鏃€娈伴梻鍌氬€风粈渚€宕崸妤€绠规い鎰剁畱绾剧懓鈹戦悩瀹犲闁稿被鍔岄湁闁绘ê妯婇崕鎰版煃闁垮鐏╃紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘鐛惔鎾充壕闁圭儤顨呴幑鑸点亜閹捐泛浠滈柣蹇擄攻娣囧﹪濡惰箛鏇炲煂闂佸摜鍣ラ崑鍡欏垝閸儱纾兼繝褎鍎虫禍楣冩煕韫囨搩妲稿ù婊堢畺濮婃椽宕ㄦ繝鍐槱闂佺ǹ顑呯€氭澘鐣烽悽绋跨婵犲灚鍔栫€靛矂姊洪棃娑氬闁硅櫕鍔楃划濠氭偋閸粎绠氬銈嗗姧缁插潡骞婇崶鈹惧亾鐟欏嫭纾婚柛妤佸▕閻涱噣宕堕浣镐罕闂佸壊鍋侀崹褰掔嵁瀹ュ鐓熼幖杈剧稻閸も偓闁诲孩鍑归崢浠嬪礆婵犲洦鍋╅悘鐐登规禍鐐叏濮楀棗浜滅€规挸妫濋弻鈥崇暆鐎n剛袦婵犵鍓濋幃鍌炲极閸屾稒鍙忛柟閭︿海濡炬悂姊婚崒娆戭槮闁圭⒈鍋婇幆澶嬬附缁嬭法鐛ラ梺瑙勬緲閸欐捇宕堕浣镐罕闂佸壊鍋嗛崰搴ㄥ礉閸涘瓨鈷戦悗鍦█閸濇椽鎮介锝勭敖缂佽京鍋炵粭鐔煎焵椤掆偓椤曪絾绻濆顓炰簻婵$偛顑呯€涒晛鈻撳┑瀣拺缂備焦锕╁▓鏃堟煟濡も偓濡鍩㈠鍫Ь缂備浇椴搁幐鑽ょ箔閻旂厧鐐婄憸搴ㄦ倶瀹ュ鈷戦柤濮愬€曢弳閬嶆煛閸涱喚娲撮柟顕€绠栭幃鍧楊敍濡鐫忛梻浣告贡閸庛倗鎹㈤崘顔肩柧闁冲搫鎳忛悡鐔兼煟閺傛寧鎲搁柟鍐插暣閹顫濋悡搴㈢彎闂佺硶鏂侀崑鎾愁渻閵堝棗绗掗柨鏇樺劤閳ь剚鐔幏锟� 0102004