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新 浪 简 介 

央视国际  2005年08月19日 18:47 来源

  新 浪 简 介

  新浪(NASDAQ: SINA)是一家服务于中国大陆及全球华人社群的领先在线媒体及增值资讯娱乐服务提供商。新浪拥有多家地区性网站,以服务大中华地区与海外华人为己任,通过旗下五大业务主线:新浪网(、新浪无线(SINA Mobile)、新浪热线(SINA Online),新浪企业服务(,新浪电子商务(SINA E-Commerce),为广大网民和政府企业用户提供网络媒体及娱乐、在线用户付费增值/无线增值服务和电子政务解决方案等在内的一系列服务。



  about SINA

  SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) is a leading online media company and value-added information service ("VAS") provider for China and for global Chinese communities. With a branded network of localized web sites targeting Greater China and overseas Chinese, SINA provides services through five major business lines including (online news and content), SINA Mobile (mobile value-added services), SINA Online (community-based services and games), (search and enterprise services) and SINA E-Commerce (online shopping and travel), providing an array of services including region-focused online portals, mobile value-added services, search and directory, interest-based and community-building channels, free and premium email, online games, virtual ISP, classified listings, fee-based services, e-commerce, and enterprise e-solutions.

  With 101.2 million registered users worldwide and over 12 million active users for a variety of fee-based services, SINA has become the most recognized Internet brand name in China and among global Chinese. In 2003, SINA was ranked number one by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as the most frequently visited website in China. SINA was also recognized by South China Weekend as the "Chinese Language Media of the Year ".

