







二套周日19:00首播 一套周日14:00 十套12:00,19:00重播

Beyond Babel (1)  
  In countries, like China, where there are more people learning English than speak it in the United States.

  India where millions shun Hindi to embrace the language, which makes them feel more international and in South Africa where even school children realize that a knowledge of English is a passport to a better future.

  In this series we will explore the phenomenon of English. Is it the answer to our quest for an international language and if it is what will become of the other languages that are teetering on the brink of extinction?

  English has now achieved this position of becoming a global language in the last 50 years or so.Something like a quarter of the world's populations speak English now. That's 1 1/2 billion, something like 400 million speak it as a first language, another 400 million or so speak it as a second language and another, well, who knows, perhaps a billion speak it as a foreign language. And as a result of this English has achieved a status that no previous language has ever done.

  China has always been a destination for native English speakers, and huge investment into cities like Shanghai has led to a new wave of ex-patriots.

  The development of the city's hotel industry, for example, has provided new opportunities for English speakers. British chef, Richard Taffs, is one of the firsts to take advantage of these.

  Well, I came to Shanghai first of all in 1993 but I was in Manila in between, Taipei and Chengdu. And I just recently came back to Shanghai. I speak a little bit of French and I speak a little bit of German as well but definitely English is obviously the international language and the local staff are trained to learn English. So they are all attending class and all of my key people have a basic level of English.

  They are taught it in school, right. They are taught it from a young age and definitely if you want to work in a five star hotel, international hotel then you must have a basic English.

  English in Hong Kong is important and it is used widely. And the thing is that you don't actually really need to know the Cantonese or Mandarin to survive in Hong Kong. So English is probably the most widely used language in business anyway.

  If I make a call to anybody, or make an inquiry on the phone, they might answer initially in Cantonese but if I say "hello" they switch straight to English. You might be dealing with somebody who doesn't have much English, there isn't any problem, they don't expect you to speak Cantonese, they are quite happy for you to discuss things in English. And they'll try their best to, you know, understand you. It makes it incredibly easy because if you go from an English speaking country in Europe and go to somewhere like France or Spain, then you really need to know their language in order to survive there. But here you don't need to. Here you just, you turn up, you have your job and you don't... I mean you could live here for as long as you wanted to and never learn a word of Cantonese.

  The traditional native English speaking traveler has been around for a long time but now those with English as a second language are also benefiting from its global spread.

  My name is Cletus Nadukoro. They call me NZ Cletus for short and I'm an assistant producer with TWI, India. Basically I'm a football correspondent.

  Cletus is originally from Nigeria but his knowledge of English has enabled him to advance his career in a way, which might not have been possible in Africa.

  Nigeria and India they were both colonized by the British so English has always been a first language except that Nigeria is different because it is a multi tribal society so English is, you know, generally used. But in India, Hindi and English are the acceptable languages.

  For me as a foreigner, I don't have any choice, I have to definitely adapt myself to the environment I'm in. Get to, you know, chase whoever I have to chase that's part of the profession. I've been here for quite some time now so I, I don't know, I should say I've been pretty smart to pick up the Hindi language now. But you see a couple of these players are from different parts of the country and there are foreigners here. So for those who speak English I can just go straight ahead and ask them in English.

  How's it going so far?

  So far, so good, you know. Because you see our guys, we attack from the flanks but since this is the first match maybe that's happening for us, you know.

  So for Zee Churchill as it is going now, it is going pretty well for you.

  Yes, sure

  Good luck, sir

  Yeah, thank you very much.

  My accent is pretty different from err, from you know the Indian concept but at the same time in India you just have to accept everything sometime.

  The value of speaking English as a means of joining the global economy is most keenly perceived in the world's poorer countries. In South Africa with its eleven official languages, children are encouraged to learn the language, which has become the nation's lingua franca and link to the outside world.

  Wow, that's a lovely song indeed. "If Dreams Do Come True" is the name of the song and remember dreams do come true only if you work hard. Yes, you're still with me, Mmamotse Maloka. Now the time is twenty-five minutes before eleven o'clock. This is your favourite radio station, CDC Radio. I know I've been spoiling you with a lot, a lot of music but now is the time, you know, my favourite educational programme. I know children are dying to hear this programme which is brought to you by the OLSET, the Open Learning Systems Education Trust. It's time for you to relax and enjoy the programme.

  "English in action, English is fun, English in action, I want to learn..."

  You're listening to English in Action, produced by the Open Learning Systems Education trust.

  OLSET was founded as the first radio learning programme in anticipation of the change in the educational system in South Africa.

  "I want to learn, I want to learn...."

  Our programmes are half hour programmes, the content is perhaps 12 minutes of English language teaching itself. A lot of the programme is about, you know, comprises dramas, music, songs, games, stand up, sit down activities.

  "Hello, good day, how do you do, I'm fine, pleased to meet to you, pleased to meet you too."

  Music, I think, not just for South African children, but for children all over the world, is a great motivator. I think that it doesn't matter about your culture or your religion or your race, I think music stimulates all people and all children in particular. We found that music is a great way to engage children in what we call total physical engagement.

  Mr. Mlambo has a farm, eei eei oo...

  They learn a lot through singing, a lot. Rhymes, counting, a lot of things through singing, they learn a lot.

  ... with a moo moo here and a moo moo there...

  A major part of the consideration in the programme is also supporting teachers in English language teaching, which as you may know is not the easiest of subjects to teach in a country that is as multi lingual as South Africa. So we've got to ensure that the programmes also support teachers and also goad them into a new classroom practice that's in keeping with our new national curriculum.


  Tell me children, what is in the hand?

  What is in the hand?

  A feather

  It's a… what?

  A feather

  Where is a feather?

  These children are so fluent in English. The little ones, they are so fluent. You don't tell them what to say they just talk language.

  My name is Kanisele. My surname is Zhola.

  When I grow up I'd like to be a nurse.

  When I grow up I want to be a lawyer.

  If you want job, firstly, if you can't talk English it is difficult, going to interviews, must know English. It is a most important language here in South Africa.





























  English in Action, English is Fun,

  English in Action, I want to learn...



  I want to learn, I want to learn...


  Hello, good day, how do you do,

  I'm fine, pleased to meet to you,

  Pleased to meet you too.


  Mr. Mlambo has a farm, eei eei oo...


  With a moo moo here

  and a moo moo there...












